You should only have a cutting phase if you compete or your fat. Once you get in shape especially if your enhanced 10 percent should be easily maintainable and always striving too add lean muscle without fat make you leaner at the same time. At 10 percent you have a very comfortable aesthetic...
I tell you what anything without effort will be a crutch . send me a pic with weight and a paper showing the date . then within 60 days loose 20 lbs and send another pic proving it . Its very possible I know it is . show that kind of effort and Ill show some mild tricks too speed it up nothing...
I don't have that much experience with those things mostly steroids but even strong dangerous fat burners like clean and DNP will do nothing for you but harm in that condition its all about diet right now . and changing your body's way it does things I'm sure your testosterone is low and...
Your first year in the gym seriously you grow like your on steroids already then it slows down the second year you actually have too figure out what your doing and nail it down because random shit doesn't work anymore then maybe after a couple years and a decent physique start with test only ...
Seriously you need a couple years . that's what were saying so study read there is plenty of research out there That's better than the bioscience you will get on the boards asking random questions anyway . you could learn a lot while you actually get fit first.
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I wouldn't suggest you run anything at all . Of suggest you put in some work and when you have built a decent physique on your own then take it too the next level . steroid are not magic short cuts and if your grind is half add what's the point
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The fact that you want too pin tren acetate twice a week tell me you haven't researched it enough too be ready for it also the reasoning behind combining with sustanon is also illogical sounds like your limited as too what you can get your hands on and randomly running stuff
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And obviously has no experience because no one uses suspension anymore no ester bases in oil are so much better water is more suseptable too bacteria and it fucking hurts too pin that shit.
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He want too achieve a true 5 percent body fat and maintain it really that's not possible not a real 5 percent may be 1 of those funky electric machines or wrongly done caliper measurement but a true 5 percent is stage ready for bodybuilding that Christmas tren in lower back and striated glutes ...
Yes b12 has horrible bioavailability and some can't absorb any injectable B12 does wonders especially if your deficient and need it witch you clearly are you will dramatic difference in energy and metabolic function .
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He seems too gain fat when bulking and loose muscle cutting so obviously needs some help with nutrition this is your primary objective at the moment dial in your diet . if your getting week and loosing excessive muscle when cutting and blowing up all puffy when you bulk your doing it wrong and...