The stack looks pretty cool. Someone who is experienced would help you out soon. But it would be best if you could share your stats, Age, weight, height, body fat etc. Good luck on your stack...
I personally do not buy BCAA in powder form unless there is a buy one get one free sale. I usually prefer chewable bcaas like Power Chews to treat little bit to my sweet tooth.
Thanks for the comment and good luck to you too brother... I had to stop my triple stack and do a platinum pct for couple reasons that I found out after my blood test results... So I've been running GW, Ostarine, Clomid, Nolva, Aromasin for 3 days and I will complete a 4 weeks cycle before I...
Yeah, I feel much more easier to put it through my mouth with syringes. The dropper comes with the bottle takes the air inside when squeezing into my mouth and makes bubbles etc. :D Syringes just makes it much more easier and I can squeeze it in one time.
No, I've never ran a cycle before. But I ran that test booster which I mentioned to you earlier which supress and converts estrogen. Also f*cked up my test levels. This is the only thing I ran other than protein, creatine, bcaa , multi etc.
3 days in now. Everything going well so far. No sides occurred. Feeling very good at the GYM. Maybe it's because I am so motivated with this stack and my diet lol But overall, I liked this stack.
Sorry to hear that brother. But on this kind of things, don't hesitate to spend few extra bucks to get the quality/safer products. That's exactly what I did for my first cycle that I am on right now. Good luck!
Good luck man. I just started my cycle today. It will take some time for me to get used to dosing and handling the taste :D MK-2866 tastes like a cheapass vodka :D