If I'm only doing 100mgs of Test Cyp weekly is this a good combo deal: http://www.gpzmedlab.com/store/p/158-Combo-Special-1-COV.aspx
It says 3 CC I don't know if that matters or what! Let me know what I need to get from that site to be able to pin 100mgs of Test Cyp weekly thanks guys!
What are the two sizes you guys use for TRT dose? I'm only getting 100mgs weekly but I want to do it myself since they got a new nurse and she fucked up my shot pretty bad today. Anyways just please let me know the sizes to fill up and the size to inject and what site is good. I know GPZ is one...
Well the thing that sucks is I can't go too heavy because I have a lot of back problems.. but I do love doing high volume. I work out for about 2-3 hours just because I do a lot of stuff and that includes 15-20 minutes of abs as well as 30-60 minutes of cardio. I'm trying to stay in the 8-10% bf...
So I just wanted to know if you guys know of any good workout routines. I've been doing my own thing for a while now and I wanna switch it up! I was thinking of doing Jay Cutler's 8 week mass again. I've done it once a couple years back and I liked it but I just wanted to know what workout...
Hahaha I don't know man California is in a drought but that actually does sound like it can work! Might help get rid of some razor bumps on my arms and chest.. I will give that a try and see how well it works! How often should I do this like once every couple of weeks?
Yeah I shower twice a day because I love it and because I do tend to sweat but I have a couple of things I am thinking of trying. Any of you guys heard of Aztec Healing Clay for acne? It's supposed to help with pores. I think I'm going to order me some of that stuff on Amazon and see how well it...
Yeah acne just sucks. Thanks anyways guys! And yeah I do shower twice a day just because I have to. I love feeling clean and I love my showers haha but for some reason I have breakouts here and there. It isn't bad but it's annoying as hell.
What do you guys or gals use for acne and acne scars? I know salicylic acid is in most acne products but do you use any particular kind that works for you? I'm thinking of getting me a mandelic acid peel that you can do at home for acne scars but I was just wondering what you guys and gals use...
Prank phone calls used to be fun when I was an adolescent but I'm 29 years old and if you call my house and act like a terrorist or say that you were part of the terrorist act in France and that you're an ISIS member bro you better believe you're about to get killed! My father works for the...
Well I love green beans, mashed taterz, stuffing! I don't care for the turkey haha I know that sounds crazy but turkey isn't my fave but my mother made the best turkey last night so I have to give her two thumbs up. My wife makes the best dessert pumpkin cheesecake pie though.. that's always my...
Thanksgiving was nice! Food was great and spending family time is always nice! Only upset for me was the Packers losing to the Bears lol but I worked out afterwards and hit the punching bag to get out some aggression haha hope the rest of you enjoyed your thanksgiving!
Hahaha duuude I bought that shit at Wal-Mart myself and killed the box in two days! But I never eat cereal cuz they're filled with sugar.. but this was definitely worth it! It was delish! haha
Same here! Eliptical is nice along with light jogging or sprints. I love hiking personally cuz the outdoors in Cali is quite nice! And doing stairs always kicks my ass haha