Finding the best diet involves find the best sustainable diet. I?ve done keto several times, and it was great for appetite suppression but it would also downgrade my metabolism so after getting off keto I struggled to work out and gained a lot of fat back.
From trial and error I work best under...
Not trying to educate you. I?m trying to educate myself. Stuff like Yk11 isn?t plentiful on information on hair growth, which is why I came here.
Is there side effects of Yk11 beyond what we see with most steroids?
Finasteride is more a loss reduction action. Hgh, minoxidil, and YK-11 are growth enhancers. Obviously both types combined together would provide the best results.
Why on the finasteride? Oral use at least does sound unpleasant.
I haven?t used YK-11 before. I wanted to wait till there was more research into it and because prior opinion on this site was against using it.
My spouse is very interested in me getting hair loss reduced and reversed if...
YK11 and Hair Growth
Found it.
Had to scroll a bit.
How does it compare to say topical finasteride?
What dose were you taking?
How long did it take to start noticing head hair growth?
It?s not just amino acids. Most things taken orally have low bioavailability, including vitamins. Injected, vitamins stay in the body for several days instead of hours.
I?ve had endos tell me different drug metabolisms is made up or they?ve never heard of it, or they treat everyone the same. I finally found one that treats the frustrated outliers.
Try being on 450mg/wk (10ml every 30 days) to keep your blood levels at 800. My doctor seems to enjoy the rarity and increased a little whenever I went in to see what dose would get me to 800. I stopped her at the current dose cause the estrogen conversion wasn?t fun (SHBG is 7) and I didn?t...