Yes run aromasin if you aren't now. You can't let your estrogen get too high. And nolva and clomid is the standard pct. I'd stop the dbol if I were u and just run 250mg-400mg test.
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Anytime. Dr tony huge(enhanced athlete) on YouTube just made some videos about steroids in morocco. He just visited there.
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I wouldn't take anything on a plane brother. And gear is legal in morocco I believe. So you can just buy some there and it's probably cheap. Watch out for fakes.
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I blow off steam by lifting usually lol.... I guess playing video games also but I don't play that much. And watching YouTube videos!
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Well then you should be good. Best get blood work done. Idk what to say about your balls. Low amounts of test will cause testicular atrophy so it's really weird.
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This is a copy pasta.....I hate to be a party pooper but there is no muscle or muscle group called the "ventro gluteal muscle".
The gluteal muscles include the Glut Maximus, Glut medius and Gluteus minimi.
All of these muscles are positioned either posterior (G Max) or medial (G Med and G...