Things just keep piling up and I'm beginning to bugout. The stress is really getting to me and I'm trying my hardest to keep myself composed. In short MissB is having a procedure to have two lumps removed from her beast. First it was one now it's two and they really don't know what they are...
I'm not the one being ignorant you are. Sorry but your being reckless to start with and definitely won't be recommending anything to someone so careless
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Cyp you should 12 weeks. Dbol some love it some hate it. Make sure you have your estrogen in check because dbol converts rapidly to estrogen.
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Cruising for 6 weeks and blasting again.....dude you are fucking stupid, plain and simple and I think you have shown your mind set. That being said no one here is going to help you. What your doing is completely reckless!!!
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10 weeks? Are you running test prop? Because running 10 weeks on a longer ester really isn't worth it, an extra two weeks would make a world of difference in making gainzzz's
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Well if you have watch his videos. Then you should already know your answer bro. @ 5'11" 160lbs your are a string offense. You need to build a better base and get some muscle built on that frame
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I agree you need to build a base and have your diet in tune before anything. It isn't magic you still need to put in work and alot of it before even thinking of juice
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Whoa!!! Slow down buddy. Please do some research here on isarms. We do have a search bar. Then come back and ask some intelligent questions....because honesty you sound like a complete newbie who needs to do alot of research first. Please don't take this the wrong way
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I can agree fully with communication. Titian is on point. I'm also waiting on my birdie to land. Porn incoming soon!!
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