Age: 31
Height: 6'
Weight: 220
Training: 16 years
Diet is good, limited red meats. Mostly chicken and fish.
Workouts: Mon-Thurs twice a day. Once Friday. Saturday and Sunday recovery days.
EQ: 600mg per week in 2mL for 16 weeks
Whinny: 50mg per day being 5 tabs for the last 8 weeks of running EQ.
Then a PCT stack from isarmsx to help bring system back from whinny side effects
This was my plan so far.
EQ injections 600mg @ 2ml 1 injection per week for 16 - 20 weeks
Whinny 5: 10mg tabs per week for 8 weeks.
PCT stack from isarmsx for 4 weeks
Will I show gains from this or am I wasting my time so far. I say I'm nervous about test cause I'm not interested in the side effects and the way it will...
I'm planning my first cycle. Starting with injections of EQ for 16 weeks and finish up with Winstrol orals for the last 8. I'm very interested in being safe about this. Taking test makes me nervous at this point, but isn't off the table. Your vlogs have been great, but I'm nervous that you...