Thank you for response i was taking more doctor said to cut it by a 3rd all my blood work was good and everything else thyroid etc. Going to get blood work done soon gonna cut that dose down .
I will lower the the test like your saying and that cycle im not gonna start for a while going to lock done eating right and cardio wanna do it the right way needed some advice thank you for advice.
Went to doctor levels came back 309 he wanted to give it to me to be honest i took gear back in the day with alot pain killers really messed myself up now trying to get healthy this best i have felt in my life use to be 250 pounds 40% body thank you for response
Thank you Gian Next cycle was gonna be test deca then switch to prop and npp and gonna use dbol or anadrol in beginning and got some tren Ace got some AIs to but i dont wanna start untill i drop about 10 15% body fat i am taking test 250 cyp one time a week. Been doing about 30 mintues stair...
Thank you bro been training longer then a year i just put one year since ive quit cigs and drinking ran that cycle got blood work done everything was fine but really need to lower body fat got everything ready for my next cycle how long would you say do cardio a day i get about 10000 steps a day...
Age 27
Height 6'0
Weight 243
Body fat %28
Years of training 1
Complete cycle history ( Test Prop100 Ran npp100 trenA100 12 weeks
TRT Running Test Cyp 250 once a week
Goals Lose body fat,then gain some mass
Supplements Bucked up pre workout protein powders Bccas Nitric Oxide booster and a whole...