I pinned my delt last Thursday. Was doin bent over bb rows n noticed I have a bump where I pinned. I can feel the bump. The skin has no redness or irritation. Is it just scar tissue build up. Or just gear tryin to push out or what?
I use all 1.5" but be safe use 1" in your delts. You could also use 1" in quads. I have nicked nerves my delt just twitches and I pull out n pin again or just move it over a little bit. I have also hit nerves in my quads but nothin big just small twitches.
I love dbol I put on size quick n strength but it's conversion to estrogen is super high so I have to run a fuck ton if AI. Cas I'm gyno pron. I just started some drol today. We will see how it goes.
Ya I'm starting to run it 25 every day. I don't really want run it higher. Dbol just ain't for me.. I have anadrol in hand. And Ik it's not supposed to convert but I have hear it does n it doesn't. I guess your the guy to ask.
My buddy, 30 years of age. Has hopped on gear. His first cycle was just test n tapered up to a gram! Ran for 12 weeks ran it was AI n everything then jumped to a 12 week tren cycle now he's saying he's gonna run a dbol. Cycle with out a brake. I have told him he's fuckin his shit up 1000 times...