Ive seen D grade movies with a better outcome then this . Please listen to Dylan man, unless you have naturally low T and have seen a Dr or specialist to confirm a need for TRT then you are defiantly making big mistakes . That shits for life and serious.
I would stay clear of that shit, There is no reason to inject sarms as Rick stated. There are legit sarms in Australia you just need to know what your getting or get Esarms if you can get a forward contact in the USA.
Naturally low test certainly wouldn't of helped your progress but from what ive achieved with sarms I certainly could not have naturally . In the last 18 months of cycling ive gained more mass and strength etc then 20 years on/off training granted my diet and consistency also improved greatly...
Killer stack i'm using the exact same except im replacing SR instead of GW as its not available here . Using this stack as a prep stack for a comp late year.
It does get harder as you age for sure . Diet is key here but PEDS can certainly assist . Im 41 and seem to be able to stay around 12% year round now. Finding what works for you and consistency is key here . That stack Dylan laid out looks real good for your goals .
For me Rad140 has given me the best results and ive used just about all of them including YK11 that I do not recommend . I get the best ratio of size, strength and dryness with Rad that I don't with the others . Second favourite is S4 but if you clearly looking for just mass then LGD is king.
Most unlikey as GW is a schedule 10 drug here in Australia and borderforce is aware. Cardazol maybe fine but I have not tried it. Your best bet is to email them like Dylan Suggested
Any drug/compound you put into your body can have inherent risks but provided you have legit sarms , have blood tests and PCT proberly those risks are minimal.
I'm running a simular stack at the moment for a comp prep minus the GW for SR as its almost impossible to get in Australia now . You will like that stack Dylan has laid out.
Its like a bad movie ..... Naturally low test levels at a very young age so lets jump on possibly the strongest steroid around with a heap of sides that you had no idea how to handle and your diet and training wasn't right either . You know that you have proberly killed any natural test you had...
some could be fat, a lot could be water weight, was it legit LGD or prohormones, peptides or who knows what . So much sarm stuff is fake and tainted . It certainly would not be 20lbs of muscle. I think 9-10 pounds would be a more realistic goal if your diet and training was spot on . Maybe over...
i'm running 50mg S4 atm quite early into it and already had considerable strength increases pretty much across the board . If my right forearm wasn't f$%ked my bench would be awesome.
You know what will help you grow muscle - good food and lots of it and heavy regular training . Come back in 5-10 years then you can ask about AAS. Everything you have provided and asked is just wrong on every level.
If your think of running a oral only AAS you wont get any joy here . Unless your female its a dumb idea period. Ostarine is fine to run alone or stack with other sarms.