Thank you for the replies. I'll go e3d with my aromasin and get blood work done. I may need some help making heads and tails of the BW.
Thanks Again!
I'm 4 weeks into my cyp/proviron cycle. I'm pinning cyp twice a week @ 350mg's a week. I'm only running my proviron @ 25 mgs a day right now. I'm taking 10mg's of aromasin eod. I feel a little achy and tired and I'm wondering if I'm taking my aromasin too often. It's not terrible but, I...
My source had 20mg pills so that's what I got. I didn't think anything of it.
So I should run the Aromasin @ 20mg every 3rd or 4th day? If I did it on my pin days, that would average me out at about 40mgs per week. At 12.5 EOD I think that averages out to about 43mgs per week. Sound...
I was going to run 10mgs EOD of Aromasin but, I cannot get 20mg pills to cut properly. How do I run 20mg pills? I feel like an ass. Should have worked this out after all of the planning I have done.
One more thing...I just experienced this 2 minutes ago. My pill cutter cannot cut these 20mg Aromasin pills in half evenly. Can I take the 20 mg pills? what frequency? Dylan???
Ok...I get it...right away. I have a question as to why. Is there a benefit to starting right away as opposed to waiting for estrogen to build up? What effect will the Aromasin have on my gains? Sorry...I've done a ton of research but, I'm am still unsure with the Aromasin.
Thank you
I didn't have my bloodwork done. I did have a full physical with my blood drawn but, it was not for test levels. I am not on TRT.
Thank you for replying.
I started my test only cycle yesterday. 12 weeks @ 350mg per week.
Age 52
198 lbs
12-13% BF
I've been a gym rat since college in the 80's.
Not my first cycle but, haven't done anything in years.
I work out 5 days a week and do cardio 2-3 days per week. I would say I'm in decent shape...
Thank you for the replies. I thought ON was good stuff. I did my research too. Heard a lot of good stuff about Concrete. I'm open to trying a new whey protein. Let me know what you like.
Thanks Again!
I have been using 6 Star Creatine from Walmart. I switched to Optimum Nutrition 100% Micronized Creatine this week. Here's the rub and my question.
The Optimum Nutrition 100% Micronized Creatine does not dissolve as good as the 6 Star brand. I can not get the ON creatin to completely dissolve...
I went and had my scan done this morning. Good thing. With my calipers I was at about 12% BF. With the scan, I came in at 13.9%. I have some work to do. Pretty cool. I'll have it done again in another month or so to see where I'm at. BTW...I am in no way affiliated with the scan people.