Awesome video man thanks for this, ive been wondering about the health aspects of this and this info helps a lot. What are some typical intermittent fasting patterns that you guys use ? I watched the conan o' brian show the other night and Terry crews was on there, he had mentioned that he does...
Hey whats up guys, i know sarmsx is down at the moment, that's where I've been buying for a while. And i been reading any day now but not sure when its coming back, where is everyone buying their sarms from at the moment ? Any recommendations ?
Yeh i did some googling around and that Herbolab sure does make it look like it does wonders on their website. Im gonna give the pure science one a try first that Dylan recommended and go from there.
Whats up Fam ?
So just browsing the threads recently and am now seeing that all the vets are recommending Tongkat Ali now in weeks 9-12 of cycles. Where are the vets buying their Tongkat Ali from ? I want to make sure im getting actual Tongkat and not a fake and a good quality that i know...
Interestingly the GW is the only one that its not doing it with. The SR, RAD, and S4 all were like that but now that its been a week and a lot of shaking later there seems to be no more chunks in there. The SR and RAD are on the milky solution side with a lot of particles floating around in...
Awesome, thanks for the feedback. Yeh the SR after the first week has no more chunks in it, its just now like a milky solution almost like some powder or something is floating around in there, lol.
There was some big chunks when i first got them, but now since 1 week have gone with a lot of shaking now its just a shit ton of particles. From reading some posts it does seem like this is kind of the norm.
Hey whats up Fam ?
So im running into an issue that i have not had before with my sarms bottles. I recently ordered the 12 week enhanced super stack from sarmsX and started it this week. I know that crystallizing of the bottles tends to happen during shipping and ive run into that before so i...
Hey whats up Fam ? So been saving up to run the 12 week enhanced super stack seeing as it is a hefty 821$ for the stack, and today was the day to make the purchase and i was pretty excited so i hit the website only to find the stack is now 1500$!! Pretty much doubled the price ...i could of...
Oh thats awesome news! Thanks for the insight Rick Rock i really appreciate it. Yeah i Just might add in that S4 to the cycle, ive only done LGD and Osta cycles before so im excited to what type of results this stack will pull in.
Whats up fam ?
Im about 2 weeks away from starting PCT from a 12 week LGD cycle. The LGD was from sarmsx and i have been very happy with the results thus far. My previous LGD cycles were from sarms1 and even tho i had success from using that LGD i can definitely tell that the LGD from sarmsx...
Thanks for checking it out Dylan, i will definitely do it again mid and post cycle and post the results so you guys can advise me on how things look. I got my lgd from sarmsx....this is the first time ive picked up from them. The last few cycles ive picked up from sarms1 but thought i would give...