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  1. S

    CC's Next Level Log

    What's up CC ?? I see your cycle is looking great !!! Also, looks like a lot of thought , I know you put into the whole process!! You're looking real lean also in all the updated pics, YOU have no choice to kill this cycle. Take care of your joints with all the max reps & up/down loads!! Best...
  2. S

    Crucify me now... my thoughts on DNP

    Very well said 44, & this topic along with just about every other topic in this forum is the word RESPONSIBLY !! As we all know everyone does not have that nor the responsibility to do research & ask before acting. We see it everyday, when people say they are in week 3 or 4 of something so...
  3. S

    The NY's/Valhalla GEAR PORN

    Sorry to hear about the loss , condolences to you & your family.
  4. S

    Diet break

    Are you taking any thing to help ( GW, SR9009, or ECA ). If so, I'd say 2 weeks. If not, then it's just up to you & how you feel, without being too lethargic.
  5. S

    Valhalla TD... gear porn inside!

    So, what kind of cycle are you planning ???? Lol !!! Enough to last a bit !!
  6. S

    2 weeks off training -- How bad is this?

    I'm back also, hernia surgery two weeks ago. I took 1 week off, couldn't take it. So, I tested the waters after a week, went real light, increasing slowly for two days. Then took the rest of the week off, not due to pain just satisfaction that I was able to do something that soon. Today exactly...
  7. S

    Caffeine / Stim overuse

    Hell. Yeah, Peanut Butter is the gold of flavor. Sorry I didn't see this thread earlier to alert the PB FEVER !!! The shear alternative is the PB2 powder, I sprinkle that stuff all over the halo ice cream for treats & almost every pro shake !!!
  8. S

    AAS and liver care a MUST read

    Just google TUDCA, you'll find something. I think esupplements , runs a special 3 bottles for like $77 !!!
  9. S

    Titan test cyp primo blood work

    Really, curious about the Primo & Mast. Seems like Primo is very similar to Eq. & Mast similar to Winny just curious about the timeline comparison with Winn & Mast. Maybe switch out the Winny finisher for some Mast P. ??
  10. S


    Yeah, but this site is not all about representation topics. It's about teaching people to understand & learn, before mistakes are made. So right now you made a big mistake by jumping in & giving a link out to someone you have no clue about. So nobody's going to to give a link !!!!
  11. S

    Titan test cyp primo blood work

    Holy Shit. LMAO, almost popped my stitches !!!!!!
  12. S

    Titan test cyp primo blood work

    Are you sure, you read that back before editing ??? LOL
  13. S


    So, your 6 FT 8 inches, about 200 lbs & 20 % BF. Is this correct ??? & the rest of your stats for proper feedback ,
  14. S

    Under the knife / 2-6 Wks, NO WEIGHTS ????

    Ok, SV still alive, well and sore. Thanks for everyone taking time to give me a little, positive support. I was expecting the worse & got a lot less. I always do that & it works better in the end, for obvious reasons!!! I'm going to play everything one day at a time and use a motto I have...
  15. S

    Under the knife / 2-6 Wks, NO WEIGHTS ????

    Glad your recovery went well, & I appreciate you feedback. This definitely helps in recovering hearing everyone & their conundrums. Thank you for taking the time and giving me support !!!!
  16. S

    Under the knife / 2-6 Wks, NO WEIGHTS ????

    All good Man, I don't think I'll take the route of re tucking guts ? I think that's a little out of hand, but the 44 doesn't get out of hand ?or Does he ? LOL. Everything good Bro , a little sore. Can walk fine , but see tomorrow .. Will re evaluate as time goes by. Believe me, I'll be...
  17. S

    Did anyone try this as a kickstart?

    Not really, it really depends on your diet. Rad not sure, haven't ran yet but don't think so.
  18. S

    Under the knife / 2-6 Wks, NO WEIGHTS ????

    Thanks Guys, HERE WE GO, Back in no time...????? i hope .......
  19. S

    Titan test cyp primo blood work

    What about the Primo, How's that treating you on cruise compared to Mast ?? Same , I guess???
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