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  1. R

    sarms stack

    I really appreciate everything Dylan. You don't find peeps like you anymore thay are willing to help. I following up with my Dr about my blood work. Im going to ask him about your recommendations to see what he advices. Just want to make sure I don't fuck myself more if I have done so. I spoke...
  2. R

    sarms stack

    Damn Dylan can't really afford this stack. If you could point me in direction of only two products what would it be ? I was thinking clomid/ nolva. I'm in a bit of a financial situation and want to do something versus nothing. In the future I will only buy from your site sir. Lesson well learned.
  3. R

    sarms stack

    Could I run the gw and clomid Dylan, my sex drive has kindve came back. Money has been tight and I feel pretty stupid to have been reckless with my health. JuSt had blood work done to check my test levels and waiting for results. Thanks for your reply and understanding. My urune values came back...
  4. R

    sarms stack

    Got my sarms from my local nutrition shop, the brand was biotech labs. I ran the osterine 20mg for two months. The lgd I ran for a month at 10mg. They came in pill form, I also ran a test booster alongside my cycle the brand was global formulas biotest. I ended my cycle with carderine and...
  5. R

    sarms stack

    Hi Dylan need some advice asap please. Ran a cycle of ostarine for 2 months and finished with lgd4033, I ran a natural test booster the whole cycle and into pct because I couldn't get clomid bit did run cardarine with the test booster into pct. I started noticing towards the end of cycle that I...
  6. R

    sarms cycle pct

    Hi Dylan quick question, after a sarm cycle do I run a mini pct then start another cycle immediately or do I take additional time off.
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