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  1. R

    advice on recovery

    If I didn't care as you stated dylanGemelli I wouldn't have messaged you regarding this recovery. IF I didn't care I wouldn't have gone to the doctor's to get myself checked out. I did get the tests done. Results came back. Everything checks out to be fine. Just need to stay off any gear. Run a...
  2. R

    advice on recovery

    You asked "when you say you kept on going... how long are you exactly talking??" So I started my cycle from April 10th 2016 even till now September 7th" last shot was about 5 days ago. (With the last shot only being Sus 250mg) I see the stack you recommended. Because I've on for so long...
  3. R

    advice on recovery

    Hi there dylan. im 29years oldI have been on and off from steroid use. This time, i've been on cycle since last year 2016 April. Now we are in 2017 September. I did not do a single PCT in between that time. My normal cycle was : Sus 250mg certain weeks. or 500 Sus. Equipoise 300mg/ml - twice...
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