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  1. O

    The sustanon/deca guy

    Please Jimmy read my comments on the first page. I've been training for 3 years naturally and I'm 86 kg right now, I also posted a picture of me on page 1 :D
  2. O

    The sustanon/deca guy

    Thank you both for the support. I really appreciate it. You have all my respect. It's great to meet people like you with knowledge teaching people like me that don't know much about this topic. To be honest this year was first time I was interested about roids. It's not easy to keep it...
  3. O

    The sustanon/deca guy

    Def gonna check it out and put my PCT in check :D After a lot of thinking. Gonna keep you guys up to day when I'm gonna start my cycle next month.
  4. O

    The sustanon/deca guy

    This is me right now.
  5. O

    The sustanon/deca guy

    My stats btw - 27 years old, 173 cm, 86 kg, around 12% BF and my goals are to get under 10% bf and add some lean muscle, nothing crazy, don't wanna get too big, wanna get that classic physic look. I've been training naturally for 3 years now.
  6. O

    The sustanon/deca guy

    Hahaha. True. I was misinformed by so many shitty articles. I started reading more and watching more of Dylan's videos and I realized it was a bad bad idea. I made another idea of a cycle. Test E 500mg 12 weeks Winny last 6 weeks until PCT 50mg/day Caber 0,25 E3D (hope I can find any) Aromasin...
  7. O

    The sustanon/deca guy

    Hey brother, thank you for helping me and trying to educate me. I really appreciate it! I talked to my guy and he said he can get adex. I really wanna do sust and deca, is really really that bad as a first cycle? As for PCT, trust me. I read a lot of forums and everybody, I mean everybody, said...
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