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  1. F

    Pee test

    its a pee test that we test for drugs, then its sent out for a steroid test... i contract overseas
  2. F

    Pee test

    Anyone using Sarms from Pure Essence, 8 Week Stack: 2 bottles of LGD-4033, 2 Bottles of S4 and 1 Bottle of Mk 2866, ever get a pee test while on it? The work i do, tests us about twice a year random people, and was wondering if this was completely safe for a test... We are not allowed to do...
  3. F

    Thanks for scam messages

    Hi everyone, first post, my room mate has been using sarms1, and today he told me to try it, but i read up and found this site, and told him about the scam... I have used umm uniquechecmicals about 2 years ago and saw good results, are they still doing good buisness? i have also read up that a...
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