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  1. beardattack


    That's certainly what I was thinking as well haha. Wasn't sure if anyone had a good experience with making the drive or not.
  2. beardattack


    I suppose you could hide it in your car but I would have to weigh out the risk on that one and will probably stick with ordering through out suppliers when I really think about it.
  3. beardattack


    Hey guys, I live near the border and was just curious if anyone had any experience going down to mexico to obtain their gear and what the difference is price wise compared to using our other available suppliers here? I have nothing ill to say towards the suppliers we have either as the ones...
  4. beardattack

    Hello - New Here

    Thank you so much....I was looking at running a SARM cycle before deciding to make the jump to anabolics. I was looking at pure essences super stack for the 12 weeks followed by a PCT.....I'm trying to add some additional lean muscle while dropping some body fat...I'm around 13-14% body fat...
  5. beardattack

    Hello - New Here

    Hey just wanted to take a brief moment to introduce myself. I am new to the world of SARMS and Steriods and am here to learn from you guys and transition from natural training in a safe and effective way. I will be 30 this coming month and have been training for 9 years in both weight lifting...
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