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  1. F

    Prohormones with Sarms? Is it even worth it at my age?

    Hey all, Long time member, not long time poster lol, For my stats I'm 5'9, 22 years old, 190 pounds, 11-12% body fat, been training for about 6 years now and have previously run mk-2866, andarine s4, cardarine and rad 140, always followed by a pct of clomid 50/25/25/25 and gw 25mgs/day. I'm...
  2. F

    Need recommendations for syringes

    Not sure where about your from but i get mine from canadianmedsupplies i'm pretty sure they ship to the states but i've always had a good experience with them. fast and well priced
  3. F

    Should I be Concerned

    Yeah it messaged it and trained and it went away thank god. where i pin is just below my belly button and i swap up left and right sides which is where i hold the most fat. ended up just being trapped. for sub-q should i use a larger area and change it up more? i find the further to my sides i...
  4. F

    Should I be Concerned

    Thanks, I'm just headed off to train now. i've never really had an issue up until now, so been poking twice a day for 5 weeks without a worry, this is just the only time it went red like this. immediately after injecting. if anything pops up i'll post an update here and go to a GP
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    Should I be Concerned

    So doing my usual peptide protocol before the gym on an empty stomach I inject myself just like I did this morning. clean new insulin needle. sterilized the area. same peps i used this morning. but now the area is swollen, i can feel the peptides sitting under my skin like a bubble and the skin...
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    High protein and low carbs is ideal for fat loss. same with carb cycling (high carbs on heavy training days and low carb rest days) Don't forget your body can only digest so much protein per sitting so with a high protein intake split it up through a lot of smaller shots throughout the day. rule...
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    if your maintenance is 2500, subtract 500 and follow the macronutrient profiles recommended in the thread linked by maxxpursuit. then as the weeks go by play around with the numbers, if you're not losing weight you're eating either way to little (which i doubt) or too much (more common) than...
  8. F


    Also check out the nutrition thread that is sticky to this forum. ton of information there. I don't know your body so it'll take you doing some adjusting but those numbers i gave you should work.
  9. F


    Based off your stats and me assuming you're not the most advanced lifter out there. I've calculated your maintenance to be about 3012 calories daily based off of how much you train. to cut drop 500 which is 2512 calories. i'd recommend breaking that down into about 188g protein 283g carbs and 70...
  10. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    Yeah that totally makes sense. better and faster absorption, i'll run liquids from here on out to make sure i'm getting it all in. currently everything i take is sublingual or Sub-Q to make sure i'm absorbing everything
  11. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    Yeah i'll run what I have now from neobolics, keep a journal and then my next cycle i'll use sarmsx, keep a journal and post here for a comparison let all you guys know. I'm pretty confident what I have is good but no harm in comparing. might as well go for the best right?
  12. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    Honestly glad to be here. Don't plan on touching gear for a while now, ran steel crusher for 30 days a little while ago. then inhibidex for 30 as a pct. aside from that i've only gotten into sarms and peptides. its nice to be in a place that has reliable information and experience compared to...
  13. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    When I run should I opt for liquid over caps? I assumed bioavailability wouldn't chance since the cap breaks down in the stomach and it would all be absorbed when it ran through the liver and small intestine. I could be wrong mind you. just an assumption since you can do the liquids orally
  14. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    I definitely will. Especially since I plan on getting more and more into it and would appreciate all the support I can get. So to add to my pep protocol I'm going to add in Sarms next week as I'm changing my diet plan. Currently doing 273g protein, 239 carbs, 76g fat daily between 6-7 meals...
  15. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    Nope totally makes sense. For some stupid reason i thought that was a day for 4 days. Clearly all my brain blood is in my legs right now since I just finished training lol. yeah 4 weeks makes way more sense. Ty for clearing that up.
  16. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    I do appreciate all the support! and yeah I was confused at that dosing. I figured i'd be running 3-4 weeks of clomid for a post cycle so that makes a ton more sense. Boss only never told me how to PCT because I never asked. I actually didn't know I would need one for Ipam until now haha. most...
  17. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    He's told me where he's gotten it from before i just never remembered since I trust him. He runs a website and is a huge canadian supplier, back when I helped him with the site we would move over a million bucks a year in peptides and SARMS, since he's a distributor he gets it tested. Which is...
  18. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    Also, To give a few more details. I do feel lethargy from the frag, I know it acts slowly but i'm fine to run it for 8-9 months to get those slow effective results. Do I need to cycle off at all with the frag? Also I pin first thing when i wake up, take pre workout and hit the gym. then I pin...
  19. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    Thanks for the info guys! So to set things straight all of my SARMS are legit, I've had them tested in a lab and most of the time i cap them myself. they come as either a powder and we dissolve into alcohol or they'll come pre dissolved in alcohol and then I cap them myself. Same with the...
  20. F

    wanting a more professional cycle opinion

    Hey Dylan. I'm currently 22 years old. been training for 5 years. I run a supplements store and my boss has been in "the game" as he calls it for 25 years. so all of my info on steroids, peptides and arms came from either him or google. i've already run a few 4 week cycles of ostarine. andarine...
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