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  1. M

    Natural body transformer seeks help to plan his first Steroid cycle.....

    Hey Guys, Have been following Dylan's posts on youtube for a while & that's how I got here. Good stuff. Brief History: Age:30years Height: 5'8" Weight: 76Kgs, Body fat: 13-14% I have some loose skin that needs to be filled with mass to shape up. Dermatologists said burn the lingering fat...
  2. M

    Newbie looking for guidance/advice to plan up a hardcore cutting cycle...!!!!!!

    What calorie number should I hit based on stats and goal in mind?
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    Newbie looking for guidance/advice to plan up a hardcore cutting cycle...!!!!!!

    Well it’s 1400 Dylan. Too low? Needs some bumping up?
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    Newbie looking for guidance/advice to plan up a hardcore cutting cycle...!!!!!!

    Ok Gian, I’ll look into it. Thanks. Olderbro- Did my math. Total 1400 calories. Carbs 80gms, Protein 184gms, Fats 35gms.. this is more specific. I do HIIT 3 days a week for about 45 mins to an hour. What do you reckon with these numbers? How should I play about/ around this? The loose skin...
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    Newbie looking for guidance/advice to plan up a hardcore cutting cycle...!!!!!!

    Hi, I’m Mark. Ive been wanting to plan out a cutting cycle for sometime now and figured I sure could use some advice from those who’ve ‘been there, done that’. I’m new to the world of steroids. Have been reading and researching a lot lately. My current stats: Weight: 74.8 Kgs Height: 5’8”...
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