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  1. P


    I don't eat bananas so looks like ill have to increase coconut water
  2. P


    My goals are to drop to 85kg by april football (soccer) season. Training 5x week hiit sessions and running the rest. Diet improving as i go... whole foods, reducing carbs. lots of good fats and protein. 28 years old. Thanks for the tips... i have a feeling i need to reduce some water retention
  3. P


    Iv reduced carbs to only a bit of sweet potatoe and blueberries plus natural unsweetened yougurt and veges.. some nuts. Trying to get lower. So don't want to go ott on the coconut water
  4. P


    Potassium supp and coconut water. Use allot of pink mineral salt also
  5. P


    Thanks. Ill give it another week at this new protocol presuming nothing flares up to bad and go from there. Ill update as i go... oh and im dieting pretty hard but my weight isn't moving. Still sitting around 92kg... could be water weight.
  6. P


    Might have to wait for a bit 109 usd for 30ml seems expensive, especially for me when it's converted to nzd. Got my liquid for 75usd but again , still weary of its quality. Thanks
  7. P


    Unsure on rules of sources. But is there a recommended, well trusted site that ships overseas? Also i do feel a bit out of it, tightening / pulsing around my temple , warm tingles down arms... only worry is the nips haha. Cheers
  8. P


    I suppose a blood test would be the quickest way to see. But just general feeling and the raised bits around my nips makes me think its a prolactin response
  9. P


    Just noticed this morning. 2 weeks in total. Could be over thinking it , so ill just carry on at the moment. Hoping this will help allot with injuries and muscle tightness issues. Already noticed an improvement in recovery.
  10. P


    Usapeptide , good reviews and I've used other products from then. I think 99% of people get zero prolactin sides but im probably that 1%... had bad sides in my early 20s using test, dbol etc. Haven't used any "peds" for over 6 years... ill keep an eye on it over the next few days and adjust the...
  11. P


    Decrease in sex drive, no morning wood the last 5 days ... moody...and nips slightly sensitive and raised. Was thinking of using a low dose arimidex eod but it will probably be overkill... ill try reducing dose and doing the 5 on 2 off protocol and see how that goes. Unless anyone else has tips...
  12. P


    Im unfortunately very prone to sides. 2nd week on mk677 and noticing prolactin side effects. any tips for reducing this ASAP? Apart from reducing dose? Going to reduce frequency to 5 days on and 2 off and also take dose down to 12.5mgs. Also taking zinc mag and tribulus already. Looking at...
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