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  1. J

    Need real help

    And from what I am using also will be suppress for the natural test , so both the ways it will be suppressed so what is the difference between both Thx a lot
  2. J

    Need real help

    Sorry for my language again , I don't mean that I don't care about side effect while I am using steroids it's so painful but I was wanted to say I can handle this for 8 weeks , but my problem and why I am writing for experince people is that I don't want to live with long term side effect , and...
  3. J

    Need real help

    155 pounds around 12% body fat 5.57743 i am doing 8 weeks cycle primo 10ML parabolan 10ML winstrol 20ML Boldenone 10ML growth daily 10 in the insulin pin 4 anavar pills daily i dont care about the side effects and the pain while i am injecting through the cycle i know its really pain the...
  4. J

    Need real help

    Hello I just started my first cycle ever , I saw many videos of yours , however I am new to steroids and didn't know that parabolan blend is trenbolone , once I saw your video I got really scared and had on ml of parabolan injection, what would be the best replacement for parabolan This is my...
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