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    Looking for input on new diet and cycle plans

    25 YO, 216 lbs, 5'10 tall, 17% BF, Currently on 50mg ostarine, 25 mg mk677, 25 mg lgd. 20mg cardarine I am meeting a 4,000 calorie diet Macros are: 40% protein (403g) 30% carbs (300g) 30% fats. (134g) Meal 1 (830ish)- 7 egg white, 3 egg whole, 1 cup spinach, 56g oatmeal Meal 2...
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    Cycle that I'm prepping for in 2 weeks

    And for clarification I returned from my training a month ago Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cycle that I'm prepping for in 2 weeks

    I completely understand, and appreciate the advice truly. I shoulda gave a much better back story, my diet is set , I'm generally at a 12-15% bf, issue is I just returned from a 2 month military training rotation where I had poor nutrition, very high calorie diet. I have a 6 month window to...
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    Cycle that I'm prepping for in 2 weeks

    Yea man I just got my BF done, and I'm at a lousy 18.4%. Huuuge wake up call, I'm gonna work hard for the next 2 weeks to get to 15%, if I don't get there I'm just gonna hold off to start my cycle another 2 weeks and hopefully I'm there by then Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cycle that I'm prepping for in 2 weeks

    Not the best poser but that's where I'm at right now, hope it helps Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cycle that I'm prepping for in 2 weeks

    Yea I'm definitely in the 15-20 range but I was hoping closer to 15 I'll post pics in a minute, I plan on getting my bf% measured today, if I'm at 17% and won't be starting this cycle for another 2 weeks, you think I can get to 15% in 2 weeks? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cycle that I'm prepping for in 2 weeks

    Thanks man, I'll drop the clomid dosage then! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cycle that I'm prepping for in 2 weeks

    What if I run the test e week 1-10 instead and pct 12-16? Also, 17% is a guesstimate on the high side I'd say I'm most likely 14 or 15% Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Cycle that I'm prepping for in 2 weeks

    I am currently 25, 70in, 212, 17% bf and about to go on my 2nd cycle. I would like so feedback on my planned cycle. Advice, critique it's all the same to me, no hard feelings... I plan to run Test E 600mg week 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg EOD week 1-12 Ostarine 25mg ED week 9-16 Cardarine .75 ml ED...
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    Talk about a stack!

    That's impressive, and she's an overseas source ain't she? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Talk about a stack!

    Thanks for the advice bro Will definitely add it to my pct then! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Talk about a stack!

    I'm gonna private message you on here, Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Talk about a stack!

    Awesome! I have never researched gear through her but from all the positive feedback, I'd say it's long overdue. This is a perfect opportunity! Thanks Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Talk about a stack!

    It was good bro until my source reached out and told me he's hiding out for a while. Suggested a couple of sources overseas in euro but I'm seriously gonna miss his product Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    LOG-wife just started gw/s4 stack (Jan25-complete)

    Yea bro she did And the pictures don't do justice She's got more def on her back and on her arms. She's wanting to get into shows Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    LOG-wife just started gw/s4 stack (Jan25-complete)

    Progress pics as promised Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    LOG-wife just started gw/s4 stack (Jan25-complete)

    I know it's been a while, I was out of state for work for most of my wife's sarm cycle, but came back to some solid gains. She is very happy with how lean she is getting. She broke PRs in the top 5, Deadlift, flat barbell bench press, squats, barbell military press and leg press. She will be...
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    Talk about a stack!

    On week 4 of epi, test e, lgd, rad 140 and mk2866. Aromasin tabs EOD, pct will be gw, mk2866 and clomid. Getting that dry lean muscle look. Gonna run this stack for 12 weeks and post up at my completion. Ran bloods 2 weeks before start, will run again at 6 weeks and at 12. Anybody else ran...
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    Mild Gyno from Sarms

    Red Morkai is right, best thing is run bloods! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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    Mild Gyno from Sarms

    Way I look at AI, it's an insurance policy. Other things to consider as causes is patterns. What were your last couple cycles before going on these 2 sarms cycles? Your body may become dependent on certain compounds that you ran prior, then switched to sarms and your body reacted differently...
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