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  1. R

    S4 questions

    Would you get more Inc strength off a higher dose?
  2. R

    S4 questions

    Taking s4 in triple stack at 50mg right now. 1. If I go to 25mg 3x a day would it work faster? 2. Would I see increase in more strength? 3. Same or more suppression? Thanks!
  3. R

    4wk osta cycle for joints

    i have done 8 wks and 12 wks before of a triple stack. I want to experiment a bit here. I know its a bit off the ordinary of how it is supposed to be used.
  4. R

    4wk osta cycle for joints

    I do a lot of Weighlifting (cleans, snatches, etc). So mostly knees, hips and shoulders. Gonna run it for 4wks with a test booster along side the entire time and cont with it after. Take 2 wks off, then do another 4wks of ostarine, etc. Keep you posted.
  5. R

    4wk osta cycle for joints

    Thanks guys! i want to run it for 4wks for my joints and kind of for an experiment to see what affects i feel and see on joints, strength, etc. I am not expecting too much but want to see. I personally struggle a ton during a PCT as clomid just fucks me up big time on so many levels so i want to...
  6. R

    S4 question

    I know S4 is more suppressive and that it kicks in sooner than most sarms. Is it suppressive right away or after a certain amount of time taking it?
  7. R

    4wk osta cycle for joints

    Would 4 wks at 25mg require a pct or can I just use test boosters? Thanks
  8. R

    4wk osta cycle for joints

    I am gonna run a 4wk osta cycle at 15mg/day for an injury and joint pain. Will I need a pct or can I just use a test booster toward the end and after?
  9. R

    PCT Advice

    Thanks guys! Will run nolva next time as I will never touch clomid again. What would be the pct dose for nolva after sarms cycle?
  10. R

    PCT Advice

    I am done with my PCT so i am not taking clomid anymore. So next time I might try nolva vs the clomid.
  11. R

    PCT Advice

    No i didn't run an AI. I was just osta and s4 in my cycle which don't aromatize.
  12. R

    PCT Advice

    ^^^Ya, I think that is what it is. On clomid i got SUPER emotional, depressed, unmotivated, swollen, joint pain and blury vision. It was hell. i got all the symptoms females get! But its been 3 days off and today i woke up and nailed. my wife! So i think its more the clomid being the issue than...
  13. R

    PCT Advice

    No AI. Told it wasn't needed as those sarms don't aromatize. Should I run aromasin? For how long and how much?
  14. R

    PCT Advice

    They were from PE and clomid from AG guys. I have read a ton online for wks about many people staring that clomid killed there libido. I have only been off sarms 4wks.
  15. R

    PCT Advice

    I came over from EVO recently. This is my first post here. I did a triple stack 8wk cycle. All went well. Followed it up with a 4wk PCT of clomid 50/50/25/25 and N2BM HCGenerate. I actually had a libido at the end of the cycle but it has slowly gone to ZERO and i can't get it up. My PCT was hell...
  16. R

    Sarms1 gw

    New here, came over from EVO. I actually used Southern Sarms GW many times with great results. But wanted to try Sarms1 since i heard such good things. Got it recently and tried it and I got tingling fingers. I stopped and the tingling went away. Started again and it came back so i stopped...
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