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  1. N


    Im not taking hgh but I've ordered mk677 and I'm expecting it to be here today, is that similar to what you're talking about??? And other members are saying that bcaas won't help prior to cardio to protect from burning muscle, how do you feel about that??? thx
  2. N


    Ive been doing fasting cardio in the mornings lately. Do you recommend this and is there a certain style of cardio I should do and also supplements prior to exercise to burn the fat and save the BCAAs? Thanks
  3. N

    sarms stack

    cool thx bro
  4. N

    sarms stack

    So you've tried other companies and 100% agree that these are the real deal?
  5. N

    sarms stack

    Ok the 677 comes from the US but how do we as consumers know the legitimacy of the products as compared to the same products from a diff company? Maybe this is a question for Dylan himself........
  6. N

    sarms stack

    ok couple questions Dylan...... why do we need to cycle off 2866 if its for healing? wouldn't we want to take this longer term as well? and if we do need to cycle off, what is the cycle time you recommend to be on and off?? Wondering why 677 is 2 times the cost of all the other products and...
  7. N

    sarms stack

    Thx Dylan, I just bought some 2866 and rad 140 from Good choice?? Also since I've been on 677 for 6 months you're saying I should keep on that as well right?? Is that a good stack and what can I expect to see as far as results from these 3 sarms???
  8. N

    sarms stack

    is bio tech labs diff than isarms products?
  9. N

    sarms stack

    I started with 3 months of MK677 and LGD4033, after 3 months got off the 4033 and stayed with the 677 cuz i know thats a longer term thing. I got stronger and added about 10-15 pounds of good weight. everyone noticed a diff, thought i was taking steroids, lol. The main thing is I don't feel...
  10. N

    sarms stack

    sarms IM 51, 6'2", 230, about 16% BF Im on my first bottle of rad 140 and just started my second of GW. My first bottle of GW i got from enhanced athlete and the rad I got from a local nutrition store here. How does one know if their sarms are legit or not??? Thx, Jeff
  11. N

    sarms stack

    Right now I've been on mk677 for my 5th month now and I'm cycling it with rad140 and gw501516. What are your thoughts on this stack and how long should I stay on it? Thank you PS : I love your videos
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