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  1. R

    Triple Stack urine detection window

    Dylan, how are Olympic TF athletes getting away with PED use (EPO can be detected via blood analysis depending on Hematocrit levels & blood doping wouldn't provide as large of a performance gain as is shown with recent British & USATF improvement from athletes since college) when they are...
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    Triple Stack urine detection window

    30 days is far too long. I need a PED with a detection time of less than 48 hours. 72 at the most.
  3. R

    Triple Stack urine detection window

    I understand that it's a banned substance & if I do end up using it, I am responsible for any and all consequences. The problem is that I have been looking for a general estimate of how long it would be detectable on a urinalysis/mass spectrometry test, but the data seems to be kept pretty tight...
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    Triple Stack urine detection window

    Hi, I've been semi-frequent lurker on this forum and I've asked Dylan a few questions, but even after a month of research, I cannot find urine detection times for SARMs, especially GW/Triple Stack.
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    Endurance Athlete with Loads of Questions :-)

    Thanks fellas! I appreciate the input. 24 hour half life would indicate maybe a 3-7 day detection window based on other substances then as a ballpark figure, right? Does anyone know any other substances with a 24hr Half Life and their particular urinalysis detection window? The problem with...
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    Just found that TB has 8-15 day Half Life... If you are WADA tested, I would stay away. Detection window could be several months.
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    I'm also interested in this... Keep me updated in the thread.
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    Endurance Athlete with Loads of Questions :-)

    Some sites list GW's half life as 24 hours, whereas some sites list it as 3-5hrs. Large difference, as 3-5 hrs would imply a +/-24hrs detection window versus a 5 days to 3wk detection window. Big difference and I'm not sure which source to trust, as all of the sources look pretty good and I'm...
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    Endurance Athlete with Loads of Questions :-)

    For added info: Info on some sites stating that SARMs are not detectable via urinalysis is incorrect and outdated. There is a test that works, but the metabolites may only be available anywhere between 24hrs to 3 weeks... The exact window is what I am looking to find... That or a different...
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    Endurance Athlete with Loads of Questions :-)

    Thanks Dylan... The problem with SARMs is that I have been trying to find urinalysis detection rates (a basic window of X days until it won't be generally found on a urinalysis test) and there isn't any work done in this area. I'm also concerned about strength gains, as I have read quite a few...
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    Endurance Athlete with Loads of Questions :-)

    Hello! I am new and looking for answers from knowledgeable people... Here is a little about me... A: I am W@D@ Tested using URINALYSIS methods ONLY (Mass Spectrometer)... No blood or hair testing. This is random and has 24hrs pre-notice (However, if detection windows are less than 3 days, I can...
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