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  1. N

    Noob Dosing Question

    Just got my triple stack. Just wanted to make sure that I'm dosing correctly on the dropper before starting so I dont fuck it up. Conversions weren't my strong suit haha Ostarine - .5 ml on the dropper once in the morning GW - 1 ml on the dropper 30 min before workout S4 - .5 ml on the...
  2. N

    First SARMs Cycle Suggestions?

    Thanks for the responses man. Does my order from sarmsx come with an oral syringe to measure the amounts of mg needed for each day? Sorry for the noob questions haha
  3. N

    First SARMs Cycle Suggestions?

    How did you know you were suffering from suppression? Did your bloodwork mid cycle come back and it dropped 50%? I also ended up purchasing the triple stack for 8 weeks (I know most suggest 12 weeks but I have money restraints and its my first time using sarms) So I won't be on ldg and rad140. I...
  4. N

    First SARMs Cycle Suggestions?

    How did you know that you were getting severe suppression? Did your bloodwork just come back and it was 50% less than normal? I actually ended up going with the triple stack for 8 weeks (I know most suggest 12 weeks but I have money restraints and I've never used sarms before). So I'll only be...
  5. N

    First SARMs Cycle Suggestions?

    I know that RAD140 and LDG-4033 have been known to cause slight/mild suppression. I will obviously be following that PCT stack you suggested. But my question is... in order to combat this could I also add in a OCT to help so my natural test levels won't be affected as much? Thanks for the...
  6. N

    First SARMs Cycle Suggestions?

    Hi guys, I'm looking into taking SARMS for the first time. Just some quick background on myself... I'm 25 y/o, 5'9, ~200 lbs, between 12-13% bodyfat. I was a competitive collegiate swimmer and fell in love with lifting after my competing days were over. I've been lifting consistently for about...
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