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    This guy should be put in jail

    Guy thinks he knows it all, talked so much trash took excessive gear pre show and didn't even win is a guru and pt....shakes head. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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    Nice one guys! I was planning to keep oral use low and short. Will up the aromasin to eod and switch the anavar / tbol. Definitely going to add the Sarms into the PCT will pick them up later. Thanks for all the feedback. Will keep you guys posted. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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    Hi @pharmalady Thanks for feedback. I know about the anavar, it's low right! Sadly I picked up 10mg tabs so it was a price issue. Normally would run 50mg. Planning 30mg Tbol. Currently sitting at about 16%bf 93kg. Don't look too bad. I tend to hold water and get big when I get near 15 stones so...
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    Thanks @cbbram going in hard with this, super stict diet, interval cardio the lot. See how I can improve will keep you guys posted! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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    Hi all, Going to do a slightly modified run of Dylan's Beginner Long ester cycle. Here it is: 1-20 Eq600 1-20 Test enth500 (yes I know eq is stronger). 1-4 30mg of Anavar 1-20 Aromasin e3d 16-20 tbol 15-20 500 iu hcg PCT 4 WEEKS Nova & Clomid standard protocol Aromasin eod Not looking for...
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    best pre workout you have ever tried?

    DS Frenzy is very good. It gives you a great tunnel vision drive to push harder. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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    New Member

    Re: RE: New Member Welcome, I just joined and one conversation later I'm "IN" great forum. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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    LGD pct

    Thanks guys....Dylan saw your vid on youtube no b.s practical and real talk....had to join this forum. Thanks again everyone here! Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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    LGD pct

    Re: LGD pcf Cheers gymrat didnt think an excessive PCT was required due to Its mildly suppressive nature. Sent from my HTC One_M8 using Tapatalk
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    LGD pct

    Hi guys Running a solo run of 12mg of lgd for 6 weeks and loving the results, growing and getting harder each week. Just wanted to see views on PCT and gain retention. Cheers guys Andy
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    Dyaln Gemelli Youtube Channel... Please subscribe!

    Done! Just joined here as well. Like the honest open videos and opinions bro! Educating the masses!
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