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  1. T

    Andarine clogged ear side effect?????

    Welp I ordered some Andarine from another legit source, but upon watching the review of Andarine (from another source) this guy stated a couple of days before the vision sides he noticed his right ear was a little clogged. Now that kinda spooked me considering I dealt with the clogged year a few...
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    any ECA/ ephedrine sources?

    First off I have to thank damn near everyone on this forum with pointing me in right direction and being a BIG help. Now I have a question on where to buy legit ephedrine. Been looking online for awhile, and I can't even find a link to buy ephedrine. I know some OTC have it, but upon reading...
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    Cardarine (kind of confused)

    AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!! that's why I freaking love this forum!! You guys are awesome
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    Cardarine (kind of confused)

    Well I'm 2 weeks in my pct from a test e/anavar cycle and I'm starting to miss doing cardio. I was trying to see will GW be harmful in PCT? I heard it's anti catabolic (how true is this?) so muscle loss will be at a minimum of I do cardio during pct. I use to HIIT training 4x a week, so I'm a...
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    PCT mood swings (nolvadex + clomid)???

    25yrs old 5'11 235lbs Was at 400mg test a week Clomid: 100/50/50/50 Nolvadex: 40/20/20/20
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    PCT mood swings (nolvadex + clomid)???

    Well I am currently a week and a half into pct from a short Test E cycle. I know my hormones are out of wack right now, but it's too the point where I'm slightly depressed, irritated by small things, and even snapping a tco-workers. I'm on clomid and nolvadex, and also heard clomid does cause...
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    When to start sarms cutting cycle after AAS bulk

    Ahhh OK OK. So let's just say PCT last for 1month so when that one month is up I can begin the cutting cycle with Andarine, etc? When I did my past PH cycles I usually waited a month or 2 after PCT as time off before I did another cycle.
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    When to start sarms cutting cycle after AAS bulk

    Well obviously there's a wait period after PCT, BUT how long of a wait period? I don't want to cut on AAS but will rather cut on sarms. Too much bro science floating around on other forums that's saying different things
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    Did my first pin today. Low dose/ Estrogen Signs

    Negative. Everyone is saying something different, so I decided to go to a trusted board rather than bro science. Many people say from day one, but then numerous people also state an A.I won't be needed. Even upon research most people who ask this question are all taking a 500mg dosage...
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    Did my first pin today. Low dose/ Estrogen Signs

    Did my first pin this morning in the right glute WOOT WOOT! now I'm doing 375mg a week. What will be the high estrogen signs I need to watch out for on this cycle? And will they start occurring
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    HCG source???

    Ugh!!!! Now you guys tell me lol. I don't need the HCG, BUT I see some stuff on the site that I need. Are you guys domestic?
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    Final preparations for first cycle question

    Holy crap you guys are awesome!! I could cry manly tears of joy right now. I guess it really was a lot of bro science going around fogging up my mind when it comes to AAS usage. I'll definitely email you guys again just incase my info got misplaced. Going to start my first cycle off right.
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    Final preparations for first cycle question

    As some of you already know I'm getting ready to start my very first AAS cycle of Test E 350mg - 400mg a week. I have some anavar as well (been sitting on the shelf for 3 months haha). I have some HCG on the wait so, but have few questions concerning hcg on cycle. I'm trying to stay as healthy...
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    HCG source???

    I promise I'll stop making these threads, but I have one more question. Is there a source on this board for HCG in the states? Really don't want to wait 2 weeks for HCG from my source in the UK...since they are all scattered, it's like finding a needle in a haystack.
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    Thank you Titan Research!!!

    here you go brother! not too bad...mine is more softcore porn haha
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    Thank you Titan Research!!!

    I will definitely be ordering from these guys again!!! I ordered a vial of test E from them like 3 days ago. They sent it out yesterday (I think) and it arrived today!!!! Well, I got the package so fast because they are about 3hrs from where I stay haha. Just want to thank you guys as well as...
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    Legit Adex?

    I decided to go ahead and add test e to my Lgd cycle, but can't really find a legit peptide source for an AI. I seen some on sarmsx, BUT don't hear too many people talking about it. Point me in the right direction? I have a source in the UK but don't feel like waiting 2-3weeks for the delivery.
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    lgd log (first time sarms user)

    Thanks brother!!! I ordered the Lgd from the number 1 trusted Sarm site aka Sarmsx. I'm stoked to take the first dosage tomorrow morning. Might order some s4 to enhance the lean bulk. You and RickRock are AWESOME!!!
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    lgd log (first time sarms user)

    Thanks! I noticed some people who start these logs are on the heavy side and really can't see the results, so hopefully I'll be able to tell the difference haha 5mg a day 👍
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