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  1. T

    winstrol cycle

    SMH. It's funny how ppl always say "I watched your videos Dylan" but proceed to still ask questions that's already been covered by the video...DO NOT RUN ORAL ONLY!!!!!!!
  2. T

    Test booster along with sarms to keep lethargy at bay and libido up?

    I'm no stranger to anabolics. Done test e in the past, and blew up till 235lbs. Switched to sarms a year ago for my calisthenic goal(s) and leaned out to 197lbs 11% bf. TBH I don't remember if I was lethargic or not (weird I know) I guess because I was only on GW and S4. Now I'm thinking about...
  3. T

    Is Jeff Seid a Natty?

    Is the Easter Bunny real?
  4. T

    Where's titan research? you guys are freaking awesome!!!
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    Where's titan research?

    Been messaging these guys for a couple of weeks now because I'm trying to place an order. Emails haven't been answered...where are these guys?
  6. T

    Titan is back! Updates and apology!

    Ahhh man! So sorry to hear that brother! Me and my buddy was trying to get a hold of you and thought to myself "I bet this guy is having some family issues"...all business aside. I'm glad you're back!
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    Acne med source!? (antibiotics)

    I remember I was taking doxycycline a few years ago and it worked wonders. Any acne fighting antibiotic will do!
  8. T

    Acne med source!? (antibiotics)

    I know this isn't an anabolic or sarms question, but do anyone know domestic source(s) that sell acne meds? Even with insurance it'll be a $100 for me to visit a dermatologist.
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    What can I expect from Rad 140?

    I been on a recomp for the passed 7weeks using ostarine, LGD, and Eca and definitely recomped nicely. Reached my goal at 210lbs and 11% body fat. I have some Rad 140 laying around and figured I'll just add it in now. What can I expect? Will it enhance my recomp? Not much information out on Rad...
  10. T

    Newest hipocampus Savings Offer!!!!!

    Hey mate can you send me the link or price list? Titan Research seems to answer my emails. Thanks
  11. T

    Do you guys still have the tbol deal going on!?

    Do you guys still have the tbol deal going on!?
  12. T

    Domestic Tbol source? (no minimum order)

    Where's the domestic sources that has Tbol in stock? Before you guys rip me a new ass hole, I am NOT doing a oral only cycle. Got Test P from another source, but they have no tbol. Will be getting blood work done when my PCT is over (week after next). So my cycle will be: LGD, Test P, Tbol...
  13. T

    Andarine vision sides question!!!!

    Thanks for the information guys. Still waiting for the vision to return to normal. Still including my next cycle with s4, rad, and lgd but this time I won't be so quick to jump the gun. Definitely going with 5days on 2days off or SLOWLY increase the dosage
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    Andarine vision sides question!!!!

    No brother it was 25mg dosed over 3x a day. Was at 50mg for a month (no sides), but then wanted to squeeze 1 more 25mg dosage in. As always, solid info gents!
  15. T

    Andarine vision sides question!!!!

    The vision sides hit me super hard yesterday when I woke up in the am, but slightly subsided after an hr or so. Woke up in the middle of the night it was a greenish/yellow color. Now woke up for work and same thing!! It's a little freaky if you ask me. So is it normal to wake up with the vision...
  16. T

    rad 140 confusion

    See a lot of conflicting information on rad 140. Currently on s4, lgd, and osta for a recomp at the moment (recomp very nicely). Coming to an end on the 20th of this month and I'm planning a 8week bulk cycle of RAD 140 and andarine. Not trying to get huge as f**k because I train in...
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    Cialis domestic source???

    How many caps and what's your final asking price?
  18. T

    Cialis domestic source???

    Wait, Huh?...
  19. T

    Cialis domestic source???

    Just getting everything done for my future TEST E cycle. In the next 2 months. I hated the limp dick phase in the PCT and want to avoid it. Anyways, looking for someone/company selling research Cialis. 25yrs old 5'11 Street workout(s) Navy Vet 220lbs Previous test e cycle already
  20. T

    Gw or sr9009 for fat burning

    low to zero exercise? wow!!!!!!!!...why do people always expect a fucking miracle drug that will magically turn you into fat burning god without no exercise? wow, just wow
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