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    Recomposition Cycle

    how do you run caber?
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    Recomposition Cycle

    can you help me with the dosing for the sarms during recomp cycle? main goal is to build muscle and burn fat...
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    Recomposition Cycle

    at what dose would you say run the GW, S4 AND SR9009? Asking bc I am totally new to the sarms...
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    Recomposition Cycle

    im not running the HCG at all, changed my mind after doing some more research.
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    Recomposition Cycle

    ok brother, ive removed the deca and added tren ace and caber to my recomp cycle. I also have sarms gw, mk-2866, S-4 and SR9009. Whihch sarms will work and how should I run the tren? Thanxs in advance
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    Recomposition Cycle

    caber, mk and gw ordered. when to start the caber and how much? thanks in advance Dylan, I knew you wouldn't let me down.....
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    Recomposition Cycle

    Tbol - 40mg ed Deca - 200mg/week Test E - 400mg/week HCG- 1000IU/week N2Guard - 4 tabs 4 hours after tbol and 3 tabs 3hours later after second dose of tbol. My question is with how to run the AI and PCT...
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    Recomposition Cycle

    I'm 42, 5'6 ,weigh 200lbs at 15% body fat. My current cycle that I am about to run consist of tbol, deca, test e, aromasin, N2guard, hcg. Clomid and nolva for pct. Need some pointers on how to run it dosage wise. I have my idea of it, but 2 heads are always betrer than one. Thanks in advance...
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    Cutting Stack

    I watch a lot of your YouTube videos and I can say that you are by far the most knowledgeable and informative when it comes to AAS and Sarms. I was considering running a cutting cycle that consist of Test, tren ace, Dostinex, aromasin and Cardarine GW- 50156. Thoughts would highly be appreciated..
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    Clean Cycle

    If I was to try it, what advice or suggestions we could you give me, good and bad??
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    Clean Cycle

    Try meaning rest replacement therapy??
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    Clean Cycle

    Dylan Gemelli, I watched your youtube video on Primobolan and you said mentioned that you ran it with deca and test at 200/150/150. my question is why so low on the primo and what did you get out of the cycle and how was it?
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    Thanks for the info bro!!!!!
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    Sprinkle me with some other options NY ROBO!!!
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    I'm trying to preserve as much muscle as possible while cutting!!!
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    Right now I'm running Test cyp, GW-501516 and S4 for 2 weeks now!!!
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    This is my 3rd cycle. 1st cycle I ran tren a, with test cyp. 2nd cycle was masteron, test prop and proviron.
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    Liquid clomid!!!!
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    Thanks for the info 44yogearhead... I'm a give the deca a try!!!!
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    I weigh 220lbs, bf is 14%. I stay between 190 -195 at 8% bf
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