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  1. F

    New member advice

    Yea thats what I'm going to do...lose some more weight...then look at it again.... Most of the guys at my gym are on steroids ...there isn't one I've met who isn't...even the ones that have some muscle like me but have a bit of weight to lose are on some form of steroid.... But i would rather be...
  2. F

    New member advice

    Did a bit of research on the sarms....don't like the sound of what im reading....rather wait ...loose the weight the good old fashioned way and then take some real aas.... So question for you with sarms off the table....after I've lost the last of the weight i need to loose....what aas would you...
  3. F

    New member advice

    Sarms is pretty expensive most are $75 per bottle and you mention 4 or 5 .....not sure how long these bottles last? For the amounts you mentioned i should take.*
  4. F

    New member advice

    Ok i hear ya! Can i run sarms while doing post cycle therapy?
  5. F

    New member advice

    Ok well i appreciate all the advice and info given to me! I will definitely stop the dbol and start the clomid pct i think i need to do that a week or 2 after stopping the dbol.... I will do my homework on the sarms ....don't know much about it! Most men my age are on testosterone so...
  6. F

    New member advice

    One of the personal trainers who is in great shape at my gym suggested dbol to me! It did help me gain muscle....i dont feel any different but i see muscle building going on...i assume the things u mention below are sarms stack....thankss for the imfo i will into it further!
  7. F

    New member advice

    Yea you are rit on that one! It takes time for sure...i lost 40-50lbs the old fashioned way ...took me about 2 years to get to where i am now! goal is building muscle or not losing muscle whilst losing my age...almost 50 i was told i should go on test..... But i always want to...
  8. F

    New member advice

    Looking good bro! If sarms will do that for you maybe i gotta look into that? With test like u did...
  9. F

    New member advice

    Yea i see a big improvement in your week 9 pic! How long total did it take many weeks are you in to it now?
  10. F

    New member advice

    Oh lol ok ....i know how that goes... Had to have my wife help me with this whole forum thing....all new to me.
  11. F

    New member advice

    I see the before but not the after? I assume its you on the paddle-board...right
  12. F

    New member advice

    Please do..would be good to see your progress ....appreciate all the advice i can get!
  13. F

    New member advice

    Rockmuffhudd....thanks for the you think sarms is good with proviron...not sure what proviron is will have to google it...and then u say take it w test...what kind of test? Prop or cyp? You say you ran triple stack from PE...what or who is PE? Sorry its all very new to me! What is...
  14. F

    New member advice

    Yes i agree...fat loss is my goal but i also want to build and retain muscle so that is why im using the about to end with the dbol in a week...what is the best post cycle therapy..i understand i should wait a week or 2 and the. Begin post cycle... Then i stay steroid free for 8...
  15. F

    New member advice

    Pics Hopefully you will see some pix i just uploaded ....showing how i currently look....
  16. F

    New member advice

    Response Hey buddies! Glad to hear al the support...just to follow up i will give you in detail my every 3 hours 8Am Egg whites on a cracker with a slice of cheese and grapefruit juice 25mg dianabol Hit the gym working 2 muscle groups w some cardio 10 mins Protein shake and power...
  17. F

    New member advice

    Reply to buddabuilder Well i currently weigh 220lbs i am 5"8....Will post up some pics ....easier that way i think....i also made a before n after vid that i can post....i have always been a stocky build...been overweight...lost about 40 -50lbs over the past couple of years.... I eat pretty...
  18. F

    New member advice

    Hey everyone! 49 year old male getting serious into lifting for muscle gain! I have always been into being active etc....just never really got into weight lifting till just recently! Hoping i can get some advice from people who have more knowledge than me when it comes to steroids etc.... I am...
  19. F


    I am a new member here...trying to post up a new thread...can't see how or where i do that... Anyway hopefully someone can tell me
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