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  1. B

    Customs Seizure Letter

    Haha yeah I’m pretty sure my package is gone, I just need the letter in order to get a free reship. Too much money spent to let it go down easy
  2. B

    Customs Seizure Letter

    How long does it usually take to receive a seizure letter from U.S. Customs? I’m going on about 4 weeks of my package being “inbound into customs”...
  3. B

    Orders affected by government shutdown ?

    I’m in the same boat here. My package was tracked all the way up until Jan 9th when it was inbound into customs and since then I’ve heard nothing and received nothing
  4. B

    Is sarmsx back?

    Thanks for the response lol. Good to figure it out sooner than later. Glad I checked
  5. B

    Is sarmsx back?

    Hey all, I recently noticed that when you follow the link to sarmsx web page, it shows up with a message saying “back under new ownership.” If they are back that would be great since I loved their stuff before, but I wanted to check the forum and see if this is legit or not.
  6. B

    Fake Sarms Help

    Well before I discovered this forum, I purchased some “Ostarine” and “Cardarine” from what I now know is a very shady source. I decided to try it out and see what happened since I spent some money on them, and three days in I’m already experiencing symptoms, mainly in my balls. My only question...
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    Beginner Ostarine/Cardarine Cycle advice

    Hello all, I am new and am trying to map out my first 12 week cycle with ostarine and cardarine. First my stats are: Age: 21 Height: 6’3” Weight: 225 Body fat %: 16% Years of training: 4+ Complete cycle history: N/A PCT for each cycle: N/A Goals: Cut body fat while maintaining muscle...
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