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  1. B

    first steroid cycle

    thanks sir for each and every advice !! a true master in this domain !! keep it up we really need this knowledge and these types of minds in such a dirty and awesome game in same time(bodybuilding) !! cheers
  2. B

    first steroid cycle

    is it fine to starte my first cycle with testoveiron and priomobolan ?!?! in my country the enanthate and cypionate are not available !! i only can afford the testveiron and primobolan from the pharmacy because i dont trust the underground labs in my country !!! despite i know that u prefer the...
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    first steroid cycle

    ok sir dont laugh at me lmfao !! frankly i dont know what i need to do but all i can say is i would like to look shredded and muscular i'am aiming to go pro !! i know am exaggerating a little bit about my goal and am still a bit far from reaching this goal !! but i have the right to dream and...
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    first steroid cycle

    lower body my guns my wheels !! i swear am natty :P i know that no one can believe me even my father who is a phd in physical education
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    first steroid cycle

    that's my upper body
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    first steroid cycle

    body fat is between 11% and 12%
  7. B

    first steroid cycle

    Dear Sir Dylan Gemelli Please advice what to take a first steroid cycle. Check the below details sir i'am 28 years old all natural bodybuilder since 2007, i hit the gym 6 days per week and i won several competitions (bodybuilding and weightlifting) i always get the second place. now am a gym...
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