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  1. D

    How essential is PCT?

    Thanks you guys, all your info is really helpful considering I'm completely inexperienced with pct. Your absolutely right in saying I've made some big mistakes in the past and I don't take it personally. I'm gonna keep on educating myself through your videos and your posts and next time I'm...
  2. D

    How essential is PCT?

    Hey Dylan, thanks for the quick reply and the links. I haven't done any bloodwork and I'm not on trt. I don't know why I haven't seriously looked into, but next cycle I don't think I'll be so lazy. Lots of good info in all your youtube videos, which is how I came to this forum. Your efforts...
  3. D

    How essential is PCT?

    First off, I've only used TRT level doses(300mg per week being the max) and the longest I've ever ran anything was 16 weeks and I've never taken any anti-estrogens and I've never done any pct. Luckily I don't have any gyno and I haven't had any serious side effects aside from some sluggishness...
  4. D

    Age/ gender???

    37 year old manchild.
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