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  1. K


    Okay I'll get a blood work. But here in my area they only do specific blood tests. So which hormone should i get tested? Testosterone and estradiol?
  2. K


    Hey dylan. Months ago i did a test e only cycle, it was my first cycle and i did everything according to your instructions. I gained alot of muscle size and everything went perfect. It was my first cycle, 400m test e a week, arimidex .5mg eod, took hcg in the last two weeks of test then 2 weeks...
  3. K

    Advice needed

    Alright thanks everyone
  4. K

    Advice needed

    Hey everyone. Im on my 8th week of test e cycle. I had a question. I have to go somewhere for a week. And i can't take my gear along. I inject 200mgs twice a week every Monday and Thursday. Can i inject 400 mgs on Monday. And then continue back the next Monday. What problems can this cause?
  5. K

    Test E

    Alright thanks man. I just read that in some forums and it didn't make sense to me as well. Ill just extend two weeks then.
  6. K

    Test E

    I have a coach. But here people over dose use several compounds even in their first cycle and all. So i don't want to take their advice regarding aas. As he made me use dbol on my first cycle and then I dropped it cuz Dylan told me to. Just want to know this extra 2 weeks thing. Plus it's not a...
  7. K

    Test E

    Hey I'm on my 6th week of test e cycle. Everything is going perfect had some low estrogen problems even on standard dosage of AI. but they're sorted now. I'm all good. I made some very decent gains. Eating 4500+ calories a day. I was 87 kgs before my cycle and now im 93. Just had a question, a...
  8. K

    AI dosage

    Alright first thing tommorow
  9. K

    AI dosage

    Hello. Im on test e 400mgs a week cycle. Took anabol 25mg a day for first 9 days until i Dylan told me it's not good for first cycle Took arimidex .5mg eod until week 3 when i got bloods done and got to know my estradiol was <10 pg/ml , and test was >15 ng/ml. Then i took no AI for a week and...
  10. K

    HCG advice

    Hcg 500IU twice a week, last 4 weeks. Meaning week 11/12/13/14. And nolvadex only for your pct? No way man. Get clomid, aromasin, mk-2866, gw-501516 as well.
  11. K

    Test E

    Thanks brother
  12. K

    Test E

    Alright ill do this then. Thanks man.
  13. K

    Test E

    What if i store the extra 50mg in another syringe, then use it on the next time and save 100 from the new ampoule and use it on the next injection, and keep following this. By this I'll be keeping the oil in the syringe only for 3.5 days. Is this fine?
  14. K

    Test E

    Hello, everyone. I have 250mg/1ml test e ampoules .i had to ask can i store 10 of them in a 10ml syringe? As i have to inject 400mg a week. So I'll just put 200 in the smaller syringe through the 10ml syringe twice a week. Or is this not okay? Because test will have to stay in the syringe for...
  15. K

    Tips to building a bigger and better chest: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    What if i do more sets than 14-16? Because i do that. I almost do 20 sets once per week.
  16. K

    Tips to building a bigger and better chest: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    I have always been a fan of working each muscle twice a week, specially my chest and back. But every other person and search tells you it's over training. Great video Dylan. Hope to see more videos like this
  17. K

    Training while one cycle

    Training while on cycle Hello everyone. I am on my first test e only cycle 400mgs a week. For 12 weeks. It's my 4th week. Is super setting opposing muscles twice a week good to add size? With 6-10 rep range and 3-4 sets. Like chest/back Shoulders/arms Legs Chest back Shoulders/arms Legs Rest...
  18. K

    Estrogen issues

    Alright thanks man.
  19. K

    Estrogen issues

    Alright man and rest of the pct dosage remains the same, right?
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