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  1. Freestyle Kyle

    SARMS and Testosterone Levels

    I am currently on TRT and have been running a SARMS cycle of GW and S-4 for approximately 4 weeks now (20mg GW, 75mg of S-4 which I only recently increased). I have an upcoming blood test from my TRT doctor in a couple weeks, to check my levels and everything, so I wondering if there is a risk...
  2. Freestyle Kyle

    When to UP my S-4 dose?

    so the one thing I could not find in that thread is the timing of the increased dosing. I'm assuming that if you start by doing 25mg in the a.m and 25 4-6 hours later, then when you increase to, lets say 70, then you will dose 35mg in the a.m and then another 35mg 4-6 hours later?
  3. Freestyle Kyle

    When to UP my S-4 dose?

    yea you're right man. The thought popped into my head after a long day and my first instinct was to just "ask Dylan". I didnt really consider how much you probably have on your plate, and I moved too quickly to think "maybe this is already in the sticky notes somewhere". (I for sure would have...
  4. Freestyle Kyle

    When to UP my S-4 dose?

    I have been taking 20mg GW and 50mg S-4 daily, according to Dylans protocol, for the last several weeks. (Approximately 4 weeks). I have had absolutely ZERO bad sides, but I have seen the absolutely amazing endurance boosts from GW (seriously, this stuff is amazing). I have not had ANY of the...
  5. Freestyle Kyle


    Aw man... thats the easiest part! You can include anything you really love eating. Like if its pop-tarts lets say... those things have a shit-ton of carbs in them but... tuna and skinless chicken-breast will be your best friend. Chicken and Tuna are almost 100% protein so you can always use...
  6. Freestyle Kyle

    Can clomid or nolvadex cause a heart attack or stroke?

    That is kinda funny :-D "I would gladly pin underground anabolics in my body for weeks on end if it wasnt just for that damn pct!" Just bustin your balls a little bit bro. If it makes you feel any better, I have spent a LONG time diving as deep into these subjects and research as possible over...
  7. Freestyle Kyle


    Your arms are not necessarily "twigs" bro... lol. You look like the average American bro that doesnt lift and has had several years of shit food catch up to him. And if you havnt been lifting there is a good chance you are going to make a lil bit of the so-called "noob gains" in the process so...
  8. Freestyle Kyle

    S-4 / GW strategy question

    sorry i meant 20mg of GW. I mixed them up because one dose of S-4 is 50mg and one does of GW is 20mg. Correct me if I'm wrong but I don't need the PCT if I'm on TRT, right?
  9. Freestyle Kyle

    S-4 / GW strategy question

    So i purchased a cycle of GW and S-4 recently, but as you all know it is fairly pricey. My budget allowed me enough tobuy an amount hat allows me to run 50mg of both SARMS daily for 12 week. My question is this: lets say I go 6 weeks on 50mg of each and I have no bad side effects or anything. Do...
  10. Freestyle Kyle

    SARMS strategy question

    I see. So basically (given that my diet and exercise routine stays fully precise) I stand to lose more weight over the course of 24 weeks by doing 12 of those weeks on S-4/GW together and the other 12 weeks with no supplements, as opposed to a total of 24 straight weeks on SARMS with them split...
  11. Freestyle Kyle

    Pharmacom Labs Product Log

    I guess Masteron would be the perfect compound to make as fake Primo if you think about it... so that makes it seem like even less of a coincidence. But, considering that the Pharmacom profile already posted in this thread, after your first test showed everything was good, they might just assume...
  12. Freestyle Kyle

    SARMS strategy question

    So I have recently purchased 12 weeks worth of S-4, as well as 12 weeks worth of GW-501516. My question is, do you honestly think that I would get more from running both of them together for 12 weeks? Or by running one for 12, taking a few weeks off, and then running the other for 12? Keep in...
  13. Freestyle Kyle

    Pharmacom Labs Product Log

    yea well... as far as them responding to address this... I'd be inclined to say "good luck with that". But who knows. Hopefully they will because they were the source I was considering buying form the most.
  14. Freestyle Kyle

    Pharmacom Labs Product Log

    So the primo is supposed to be dark yellow greenish / yellow greenish? Hmm...
  15. Freestyle Kyle

    Weight loss help

    Are you also monitoring your exact macros and doing weight training? I used to do mostly only cardio and around 1700 cals also and was at about 22% bf also. And like you, I couldn't budge at all. After I got with a diet coach and started tracking my macros, that allowed us to manipulate my carb...
  16. Freestyle Kyle

    Pharmacom Labs Product Log

    I still think that what you re doing is a great contribution to your fellow forum users here though so, props for that man.
  17. Freestyle Kyle

    Pharmacom Labs Product Log

    well they are a sponsored source. It would be a bit crazy to find out they were pumpin fake shit after being sponsored and getting all that extra business because of that but... I guess you never know.
  18. Freestyle Kyle

    GW-501516 / S-4 cycle question

    ok so basically 6 weeks GW followed instantly by 6 weeks of S-4 (for a combined 12 weeks) is basically pointless, right?
  19. Freestyle Kyle

    GW-501516 / S-4 cycle question

    Hey guys. In a little bit of a pickle here.......I recently bought some Gw-501516 and some S-4 but I mistakenly did not buy enough. I have about 6 weeks worth of each. Would it be better for me to run them both together for six weeks? Or would running the entire 6 weeks of GW-501516 1st and then...
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