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  1. S

    caber and SARM's...

    could my lack of lifting and the stress from back to back surgeries...and almost immobile state for several months cause prolactin build up???...add that to my age as well. I only know one other guy that lifted and experienced almost as much trauma/stress and he had a slight build in just 4...
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    caber and SARM's...

    hasty post...meant to say...last 4 1/2 months seem to be going downhill on motivation,energy,focus was thinking because of my age and no gear for past 2 years. caber because my lifting buddy has some left from his last deca cycle last year.
  3. S

    caber and SARM's...

    has anyone ever ran caber while on only SARM's???...also any foreseeable problems??? currently on LGD, MK2866 and MK677 1 month into new cycle. Spent '15 running LGD and MK while getting BURSA shots every 3 months...this combo allow me to continue lifting that year. Starting '16 Jan...
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    run an ai or look like this

    image is gone now...
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    A video gamers dream room! The NEW Dylan Gemelli RETRO Video Game Room...

    pure awesomeness right there you just need some stuff on the ceiling...
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    The amount of gear guys my age are on..

    what do these guys do for a living???...8iu ed for 7 months...
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    A new #1 in town!

    yes indeed...
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    Osterine and surgery

    I have been using LGD and 2866 for almost 3 years now...and last year I had 2 major surgeries within 2 months of each other. Both surgeries I already experienced once before...rotator and bipolar hemiarthroplasty...and this second time... both SARMS cut my recovery times by 65%+...from the...
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    Updated Cycle Progress and Pics!

    keep on keepin on brother...
  10. S

    Anyone know of a good peptide source?

    I have been using maximpeptide for 2 years now. BPC-157 and TB500 both worked extremely well and I was able to continue lifting with a torn rotator for a year before my second rotator surgery...and after surgery decreased my recovery time 65%+ compared to my first rotator surgery...
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    D aspartic and NAC

    Had you used other brands before this?... if so what were they and how would you compare Bulk to them???...price vs. performance...
  12. S

    Understanding hypertrophy: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    This should be the very FIRST video anyone watches before they even learn about "how" to lift...knowing this to start will make every single other aspect of lifting virtually ...fall in place. It should also be required...
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    Pharmacom Labs Production

    thats BIGTIME brothers...
  14. S

    Understanding hypertrophy: A new video by Dylan Gemelli

    This is probably the most misunderstood and uninformed topic in you said most of the young guys hear this term in the gym and know it means something "good"...but lack even the basic facts of it. Excellent video, wish it had been around when I was young. Do you think...
  15. S

    You need to post your COMPLETE stats

    bricks are heavy...
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