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  1. L

    Post cycle almost done

    I'm covered with insurance, so if I go to my regular physician, I ask him for a complete female panel? Anyone?
  2. L

    Post cycle almost done

    Hi everyone, so I need guidance as to where to go to get my blood work and what to ask for. Does any kind of doc order these labs? Also, I'm humiliated with the wife. I just can't finish. It's been like this for last 2 weeks. Not to mention the last few months of no interest. She is now feeling...
  3. L

    Post cycle almost done

    Thanks guys for the guidance. Ok, so I'll get blood work in a week or 2. I am honestly feeling the sidewffectsof having no energy too. Work outs the same, need to get blood work I guess to see exactly what's going on. Do you suggest, after blood work of course and while I'm taking a break from...
  4. L

    Post cycle almost done

    I am on last week of platinum PCT I have felt great, like you said, moods more stable, bloat went away and lost that excess weight. Now I'm worried bc it's coming to last few days. I do t want to crash and my sex drive went to zero again
  5. L

    Post cycle almost done

    Hey, almost done with the post cycle, feel great, but sex drive decreased again. Now what should I do following this cycle?
  6. L

    Need clarification please

    You guys are so helpful!!!! This is the wife! All he does is talk about how happy he is that now he had people that are helping him, that he can ask questions to, and most importantly, know what your talking about. He seems more confident now that he has you all to talk to. Thanks!!!!
  7. L

    Need clarification please

    Also, when you write that the dosages are 50/50/25/25 Does this mean 50 everyday first and 2nd week, then 25 3rd and 4th week?
  8. L

    Need clarification please

    Okay, so I need more platinum pct and additional test? Other question, this is taken by mouth right? Haven't opened them yet, but I see the dropper..... Do you put directly on tongue or put into a cup of water or something? Thanks
  9. L

    Saw your video, need help

    Okay, thanks for the responses.... I do trust you guys and trying to be as receptive as I can. Just scary the situation I'm in.... So I have the PCT now, I feel stupid asking, but, it's in liquid form and all I've received is generalized instructions. I literally need a calendar, like, day one...
  10. L

    Need clarification please

    Is anyone on right now? I'm on the east coast, it's 10pm here, need advice if I should start pct tonight
  11. L

    Need clarification please

    Test prop is what I started about a month and half ago. Tren ace
  12. L

    Need clarification please

    Yes, I got the platinum PCT from sarmsx. And yes, I know it's constructive criticism and I am ready to learn. I want to stay fit, cut, but most importantly healthy. I am ready to do whatever my "sponsors" on here tell me to do.
  13. L

    Need clarification please

    Hi all, just received Your PCT today. Need to know, should I begin the cycle tonight or should I wait some time, last tren/test shot on Wednesday night. Thanks to all those who have really helped. So happy I found this site.
  14. L

    I need your help for my husband please!!!

    Hi there everyone, so I just received in the PCT from isarms.... Had last shot Wednesday night of tren/test. Should I start tonight or wait one week from last shot.
  15. L

    Saw your video, need help

    Well, wow, thanks Dylan for the blunt words of horror. I didn't come to u for criticism, I came to you for help. I was hoping I would find some good people on here that were interested in sharing their experience and hope instead of judgement and feeling stupid and hopeless.
  16. L

    I need your help for my husband please!!!

    I have gone to the site, I sent a message in the contact us page, how do I private message you to order and to get 10% off first PCT? We are ready to order ASAP bc I have 1 week left on tren/test
  17. L

    I need your help for my husband please!!!

    Thanks, ok, I'll get started,
  18. L

    I need your help for my husband please!!!

    Okay, confused now, in order for me to get back to normal, what do I do as a PCT
  19. L

    I need your help for my husband please!!!

    Thanks again to everyone, he is reading all now..... I want to do this the right way, as we obviously didn't do this and plan this right. Stats 51 years old 5'10" tall Ranges from 230-236 right now on this cycle BF% 23 Goals is to be as lean and fit as possible because I know I won't be able to...
  20. L

    I need your help for my husband please!!!

    Ok, so all I have here is nolvadex and clomid 50mg and one bottle of test prop. Never heard of caber/distinct. I'll look it up and how do I order
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