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    Ostarine and lgd stack

    Yeah I buy from SarmsX. Love them. But me and my guy down at the shop we're talking back and forth about it, and you might be able to shed more knowledge about it too. I've seen your threads before about how bad Enhanced Athlete is, but how about DNA Anabolics or Blackstone Labs, have those...
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    Ostarine and lgd stack

    I've never bought any SARM's from him. Concerns with the legitimacy of some stuff he stocks. But we're buds and we chat about it all. Does DNA Anabolics still put bad shit in their SARMS's or did they finally clean up their act a little bit?
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    Ostarine and lgd stack

    Yeah that's what my guy down out the local nutrition shop said too, said it was total BS. I read all about SARM's but wanted to clear that concern. It's a stack I really look forward to starting here in the upcoming month or so. The benefits of both combined seem great. Anyone have a link to a...
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    Ostarine and lgd stack

    What are y'all guys thought on a Osta and LGD stack for a bulk? It has always sounded like a good idea but a recently read an article about binding affinity and stacking products that said an Osta and LGD stack wouldn't work as well as other stacks due to both SARM's using the same receptors and...
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    Determining Maintenance Calories

    And approximately how much calories are burned during an extended period of lifting while your heart rate isn't necessarily extremely high but muscle breakdown and protein synthesis is?
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    Determining Maintenance Calories

    Thoughts on carb cycling during a bulk?
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    Determining Maintenance Calories

    So would I add calories burned during a lift or during hockey to that 2700-2800 calories then?
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    Determining Maintenance Calories

    What is your guys advice on calculating your maintenance or on even utilizing one when your bulking. I've used various calculators online plus my own Fitbit data in attempts to determine it averagely. But I can't seem to figure it out. Especially when trying to factor in hockey practice and how...
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    LGD, OSTARINE, RAD, GW, S4 What to expect?

    What was your diet/ macro and caloric intake during that first cycle and what was your training schedule?
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    LGD, OSTARINE, RAD, GW, S4 What to expect?

    True, I'm big on measuring everything out and eating clean as well as calculating my maintenance and macros in relation to my activity. To me I don't see the point of dumping money and time into these supplements if you're not going to make your body the most efficient at maximizing the results...
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    LGD, OSTARINE, RAD, GW, S4 What to expect?

    Good, its nice to hear that LGD wont give a chunky fat bulk look. Do you keep the vascularity, hardness and gains after cycle in your experience?
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    LGD, OSTARINE, RAD, GW, S4 What to expect?

    Thanks Dylan, I do have a few questions. Being SARMs I have only read about and have never experienced yet, what is your personal experience with S4 and LGD? For LGD I've read of insane pumps and high quality mass gains and for S4 I've read of vascularity and muscle hardness. But to what extent...
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    LGD, OSTARINE, RAD, GW, S4 What to expect?

    Thoughts, comments and or experience with this stack or stacks similar to it? What should one roughly expect during the cycle while eating in a lean bulk phase with an extremely clean diet and high activity level? Obviously mass would be gained and I am knowledgeable about the benefits of each...
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    GW During a Bulk

    Do you have to maintain a deficit while using GW to still receive the strong fat burning effects or will the fat burning properties of GW work just as well during a surplus?
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    MK 677 and SARMS lean bulk stack advice

    And is S4 or GW more desirable as part of a cycle for adding a clean, harder look to a bulk?
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    MK 677 and SARMS lean bulk stack advice

    What benefits do GW offer as part of a PCT?
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    MK 677 and SARMS lean bulk stack advice

    I was unaware that MK 677 needed to be cycled for a whole entire year for results. I do not have the funds for a years worth of it. So that being side, what is the best lean bulk stack in your opinion minus MK 677?
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    MK 677 and SARMS lean bulk stack advice

    I hear so many promising things about MK 677 and want to know what to ideal bulk stack would be with MK 677. I was considering a stack with MK 677, LGD 4033, and S4 and maybe GW for an extra lean look. What is your thoughts, opinions and advice on MK 677 and an ideal stack to run with it for a...
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    I'll keep ya updated with my progress and any other questions I might come across. And I'm sure I speak for many people when I say thank you for all the videos and reliable info on SARMS
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    SARMS in-cycle Nutrition and Workouts

    Sounds good. Will the GW help with the extra shred too I'm sure?
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