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  1. X

    Do Two-a-Days equal the most gainz?

    I've been doing a lot of research on the best way to work out. And almost everywhere I've looked says that two-a-days are the best way to do it, because you can hit everything twice per week and get 2 post workout meals a day. I have never done two-a-days before, I have only worked out for 2...
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    SARMS Question for bulking and cutting

    Dylan, this might be a dumb question, but I want to do the 12 week option and for everything. How many bottles of each would I need for each to do this? And can you give me the links to everything you told me to get? Sorry if I'm sounding like a noobie, but I am.
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    SARMS Question for bulking and cutting

    The arnold workout focuses on two different muscle groups though, thats why it's 2 hours long btw
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    SARMS Question for bulking and cutting

    Hey man this is kind of unrelated but how long do you work out for usually? I've been doing Arnold Schwarzenegger's workout plan (about 2 hours every day) for about a month now and seen some results. A channel on youtube told me however that working out for more than 40 min is bad for muscle...
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    SARMS Question for bulking and cutting

    what do those numbers before each one (1-12 for lgd-4033 for example) and the numbers after the mini pct mean? Also what is clomid and those numbers after mean, and what is gw50156? Sorry this is going to be my first time taking anything like this and I don't wanna fuck myself up.
  6. X

    SARMS Question for bulking and cutting

    Hey Dylan, I watch your videos all of the time, they are very informational and I trust what you say more than anyone else on youtube. I recently watched your "best SARM duo combinations" and I have a few questions that I still need an answer to. I am 21 so steroids are not an option for me. I...
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