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  1. J

    Oral tren

    I've been reading exactly this but was thinking of doing very small dose 250mcg
  2. J

    Oral tren

    Placed an order with pharma lady and I'll be getting free MET TREN. Wondering if anyone had any opinions on oral tren or experience ?
  3. J

    Aromasin enough for test Cyp?

    my plan was to make this as simple as possible, If i can run aromasion all the way thru then thats perfect. i guess by doing it that way, no need for Nolva, clomid after cycle? How about HCG?
  4. J

    Aromasin enough for test Cyp?

    And run it the whole time, until last shot?
  5. J

    Aromasin enough for test Cyp?

    Will running aromasin enough for a 8 weeks of test cup @ 350mg?
  6. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    That's fine I just add Mio in mine , taste great! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  7. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    Also, can they add flavour to sarms like orange or grape or something lol Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  8. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    It's a great market especially if they have a great rep already Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  9. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    Does Pure essence offer Peps as well?
  10. J

    putting on weight withostarine on caloric deficit

    Something not adding up with this dude, he claims to still be making gains on those macros?
  11. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    I know right! And I literally found you guys an hour after I placed my order with bluesky Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  12. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    haha well before i found you guys, I've always ordered from Bluesky peptides
  13. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    I'm thinking of the pure essence recomp stack for 8 weeks, but ill see what pure essence has on special by then
  14. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    No I've been dosing correctly, mine is 33mg x ml but only 30ml however.
  15. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    Hey bro, Honestly, i got to say I'm pretty impressed, wasn't expecting that from something legal,..Im a big fan of Anavar, and this is probably 70% of what I'm used to with Var. i wanted to try it by itself before getting a stack, simply to see what it does on its own. For the price, you can't...
  16. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    Got it, ill be ordering a pure essence stack next
  17. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    i Started about 3 weeks ago, missed a day here and there but the bottle is almost done. If i've only got arimidex on hand is that ok?
  18. J

    Time off between ostarine/stack cycles

    Im about done with my Ostarine/arimidex cycle, and would like to know what is the wait time recommendation before starting stack again. I will still be using the arimidex .5 EOD for the next 3 weeks.
  19. J

    putting on weight withostarine on caloric deficit

    160protein with 20 carbs and 60 fats thats about 1000 cals. 600 is way too low even to function, you risk metabolic damage. 50/50 split is working great so far almost 3 lbs off. I will be adding carbs back in to reverse diet a little in a few weeks as soon as i hit 200 lbs or so and recomp...
  20. J


    Ive healed up a pretty bad shoulder with Tb 500, and it has lots of benefits too. 2MG a week for 6 weeks was good for me. But definitely interested in the SARMS stack.
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