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  1. Becool12

    Safe-mail compromised?

    I am probably mentally masturbating here, but don't you guys think the le mainly goes for the big bust, mainly suppliers and people who blatantly make it obvious? I just find it disturbing that there is Pedos running around and online predators , yet guys trying to get swole while improving...
  2. Becool12

    Safe-mail compromised?

    Re: RE: Re: Safe-mail compromised? If you are using the same pass and username on multiple sites including your email someone may be hacking. Be careful brother
  3. Becool12

    Safe-mail compromised?

    Same thing was happening to my friend, he was all paranoid . Think I'll just stick to securenym
  4. Becool12

    What's up guys?

    Thanks bro. I've seen a couple, but doubt they're really going to do much for me. I agree that it is most likely my age.
  5. Becool12

    What's up guys?

    Great to talk to you Dylan :D. Love your videos! The endocrinologist and other two docs I saw basically just booted me out without much analyzation. My endos said I could come back in 6 months and if my levels are still low she would place me on cream.. Lol. Cream, as we all know, is utter...
  6. Becool12

    Michael pacini in the house!!!

    Welcome, bro! I just saw your recent videos. Congrats on the competition and looking forward to get to know you. 100% Agreed with you on your advice and about Bostin.
  7. Becool12

    newbie to forum

    Good stats and welcome. I am new as well.
  8. Becool12

    What's up guys?

    Hey guys. I am a new member here and thought it would be necessary to introduce myself, goals, etc. Currently, I am a 20 year old male suffering severely low testsoterone(100/800-1000), low lh and fsh levels, borderline low thyroid, and low igf-1 levels. Just discovered these levels this year. I...
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