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  1. S

    Collective input

    I certainly understand there exists a synergistic effect between two SARMs when taken. Is it such to the point that any one SARM by itself has little to no effect on its own?
  2. S

    Collective input

    I've been doing research into SARMs but between multiple resources (being both forums and articles), I need the collective advise of the group. So, kindly provide input on the following: 1. SINGLE best SARM for cutting? 2. SINGLE best SARM for putting on mass? Thank you!
  3. S

    Could my SARMs be fake?

    Wow! I didn't know that. So, what can one use below 8%? Aside from water emersion. Also, 1800 calories?? My God. I don't think I could handle that. How do you do your prep?
  4. S

    Could my SARMs be fake?

    So, what about combining a SARM with my TRT? Would I still see results? Or would the effects of the SARM be drowned out by the test?
  5. S

    Could my SARMs be fake?

    Yeah, I'm sure. I checked it last Saturday using calipers. Btw, which show are you doing?
  6. S

    Could my SARMs be fake?

    That's buddy. Good looking out.
  7. S

    Could my SARMs be fake?

    About 7% body fat.
  8. S

    Could my SARMs be fake?

    My free test is actually only at the upper end of normal, about 750 ng. My doctor prescribes it.
  9. S

    Could my SARMs be fake?

    Could the ones I bought be fake? They are both encapsulated; one, LGD and the other, a combination of ostarine and a plant based anabolic. It's been about a week and I've not noticed any difference. I'm taking 5 mg of the LGD and 65mg of the blend (don't know the break down). Any ideas? Also, I...
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