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  1. ZeroToHero

    ROBO Test+EQ+Var Results

    I've been on 500mg test C and 600mg EQ, but after reading a thread on here a week ago that talked about how you only get about 65% of the actual steroid in each compound because the esters they are attached to take up milligram space as well, I decided to bump it up. So this last week and for...
  2. ZeroToHero

    ROBO Test+EQ+Var Results

    I'm 6 1' man. And yes absolutely you can be shredded at any height, it makes no difference really. Just gotta keep that diet clean and count your calories if you're trying to cut body fat, up your conditioning sessions a bit and most importantly keep lifting like a mofo. You will be shredded no...
  3. ZeroToHero

    ROBO Test+EQ+Var Results

    Thanks man I appreciate it!
  4. ZeroToHero

    ROBO Test+EQ+Var Results

    Hahaha dude I am lmao >:-D Thanks bro! My joints feel great and my cardio is better than ever. Also started taking GW like 2 weeks ago. I feel absolutely fantastic. Blood pressure is still around 115/80 so no issues there either. Thanks my man. Body fat has stayed about the same, between...
  5. ZeroToHero

    ROBO Test+EQ+Var Results

    Just felt the need to give a shout out to ROBO for the outstanding gear I purchased a few months ago. Started with a 6 week kickstart of ROBOVAR and am now on week 9 of my ROBOMASS blend of TestC/EQ blend at 250/200mg. My first few injections gave me some nasty pip, which assured me the gear was...
  6. ZeroToHero

    Vascularity on EQ

    that's fucking savage man. I'm officially in love with this shit. I'll probably never run a cycle without EQ again lol
  7. ZeroToHero

    Vascularity on EQ

    Thanks you guys! I've never experienced vascularity like this, so it's been crazy to notice new veins popping out in the mirror every single morning. I have also noticed a big increase in the hardness of my muscles. They look much fuller and dryer than when I started. And when you add the...
  8. ZeroToHero

    Vascularity on EQ

    I am on week 9 of my cycle with 500mg/600mg TestC/EQ. I also kickstarted with 6 weeks of Var at 60mg/day. Didn't feel like much was happening in the last 3 weeks after I dropped the Anavar, until literally this week when I started noticing veins popping up all over the place. Under my lats, abs...
  9. ZeroToHero

    Traveling with gear

    Yea that's what I figured. I'll just put them in a toiletries bag and put them in my suitcase. Makes me a little nervous but there's probably almost zero chance of getting caught with it. The fact that I even have to worry about this shit is what pisses me off though. It's as if I'm trying to...
  10. ZeroToHero

    Traveling with gear

    I'm flying out to the Expo in Vegas this weekend with a buddy of mine and will need to bring my gear along for an injection while I am there. I was thinking about rolling them up in some of my t-shirts deep inside my suitcase. What do you guys normally do when you have to fly with your gear...
  11. ZeroToHero

    How to combat Acne

    lots of great info in here guys, thanks. This is why I love this forum board. I'm gonna buy some noxema pads and some body wash tomorrow and get on it asap.
  12. ZeroToHero

    How to combat Acne

    Also good to know. I figured my acne was probably going to be the worst right now since I've only been on for 4-5 weeks, but once my body adjusts to the compounds it will hopefully settle down. It's actually much better this morning already after tanning yesterday. I think I'll go to the store...
  13. ZeroToHero

    How to combat Acne

    Thanks to everyone for the input! I will definitely get on some of that body wash and see if that helps. I also need to up my tanning probably. 10 minutes in the bed barely gets me pink. In the past if I just man up and go 15-20 and get a nasty dark red burn, it actually completely clears up my...
  14. ZeroToHero

    How to combat Acne

    I am on my Test+EQ+Var cycle currently taking 500mg/600mg/60mg(daily) but I have seen a pretty bad increase in systic acne. Mostly on my forehead and my upper back (the areas where I sweat the most). It's disappointing for me because my physique is out of control right now, the absolute best...
  15. ZeroToHero

    Olympia Expo 2015

    Very cool. I'll be around the supplement section plenty I'm sure, so if I see you I'll come say whatsup!
  16. ZeroToHero

    Olympia Expo 2015

    That's a bummer man. How many Olympia's have you been to? This is my first time going so I am pretty amped! Not to mention its also my first time (believe it or not) going to Vegas. We're planning on having a pretty epic weekend to say the least lol.
  17. ZeroToHero

    Olympia Expo 2015

    Is anyone here going to be at the Olympia Expo in Las Vegas in a few weeks? I will be flying out there with my buddy and wondered if any other adrenaline rushers will be there. Maybe some of us can meet up!
  18. ZeroToHero

    Mixing compounds yourself?

    I wish I knew how bad blends were before I ordered this one. Never doing that again. What did you end up doing with that Test E/EQ blend?
  19. ZeroToHero

    Mixing compounds yourself?

    Didn't think so, but I was just curious. The reason I ask is because I injected 1ml of that that Robo blend again and it blew up in my muscle again like last time and caused horrible pip. It's bad enough to where I can't train legs. So I am thinking I will inject 1/2 a ml of it along with 1/2 a...
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