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  1. D

    First SARMS cycle! noob questions! :)

    My biggest concern is that is I use the full 20mg dose, my sleeping cycle will be thrown off. I've been reading up in other places as well, and they recommend starting off at 5mg and adjusting from there. I figured with the race on Saturday, I'd go the full 20mg until then and adjust if it...
  2. D

    First SARMS cycle! noob questions! :)

    Good stuff. Thanks to all for the replies. Tracking information says I should be receiving the bottles tomorrow. Looking forward. I have a race on Saturday, and I haven't really trained much for it. Looking forward to seeing if this makes any sort of difference. :) Sent from my iPhone using...
  3. D

    First SARMS cycle! noob questions! :)

    I'll keep you apprised. I don't need to mix it. I'm actually pretty good with nasty tasting crap. It doesn't bother me all too much. I just tend to drink a lot of water, and wanted to make sure it was going to be okay to drink after dosing. :) Thanks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. D

    First SARMS cycle! noob questions! :)

    Cool. Thanks folks. :) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  5. D

    First SARMS cycle! noob questions! :)

    It won't over-dilute the solution? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  6. D

    First SARMS cycle! noob questions! :)

    Sprry to pull this one back up from the dead, but I'm wondering how long I should wait until it's okay to drink water after taking the gw?
  7. D


    I purchased a bottle yesterday from sarms1, and I emailed Tom something or other for a refund, and their customer support, but haven't heard anything back. Do you happen to know in what time zone they're in? i read this on their site: "Unfortunately, due to the nature of the research business...
  8. D


    I've done the research on the GW and found that there really aren't any side effects at all. Are there any at all for the SR/S4/RAD? Thanks!
  9. D


    Hey, thanks for your response. I was reading on here that a bunch of people only purchase from sarms1, that it's the only reliable source, and they'd never purchase from anywhere else. Is this not true? Is sarms1 not a reliable source?
  10. D


    Sorry to hijack your thread, but I also am an endurance athlete, and I'm wondering if results can be achieved from just the GW-510516? I just ordered a bottle from, and I just want to make sure that the other items are just recommended and not required. Thanks!
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