Hey brother need some advice. Long story short about a year ago I gambled with some shitty PHs and didn't take a PCT. I destroyed my test which still is and now I got pretty bad gyno, lumps about a little bigger than quarters. I ran some Letro from Enhanced Athletes and it didn't do much, wasn't sure if it was bunk/ underdosed or my test is just shot. I ran it for 4 weeks 2.5 ed followed with their nolva to taper at the end. It did nothing, didn't even feel the Nolva. Im just wondering, is there anything I can do besides surgery? I am in the Marine Core and there isn't much they can do. I fucked around with shit when I had no idea. Got stupid strong, and fucked myself. I know I'm extremely dumb man, I learned the hard way. Please any information would help, doc is out of the question.