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Hi all, absolute newbie here


New member
I'm 22, 6' 310 lbs. I'm a fatty. Sexy love handles and all. More than likely I'm in the wrong place for this help. I've tried and tried again to get in shape. Failed for one reason or another, I can lay some blame on things that weren't under my control, but excuses are still excuses. My main issue is definitely a lack of drive/confidence, and that could be applied to a hundred other aspects of my life. I'm always physically tired, high anxiety and depression, and the likes. So my questions are how do I get started losing so I can start gaining? Is there anything I could take or inject to give me a mood boost and/or help burn fat off? I want to be able to look at my body in the mirror and not think " gross." So if I am in the wrong place will you show me where to go?

Thanks for any help. Criticism is also welcome.
Diet is shit. I recently attempted keto, I didn't make it. I did manage to cut back on soft drinks significantly. Meals are usually fast food, if not that then snacking likes chips or just nothing at all. I'm an ex-smoker. I've been terrible with work out routines, recently had an opportunity having a buddy's mom who's a PT train me but after maybe a month my work schedule changed and it was no longer an option. Even then it was beginners Pilates and nothing stuck with me. I work in a low activty job, security guard. I sit on my ass for 8 hours a day in two shifts, with a 3.5 hour break between that's perfect for working out. I just need a solid routine and diet that I can follow.
Diet is shit. I recently attempted keto, I didn't make it. I did manage to cut back on soft drinks significantly. Meals are usually fast food, if not that then snacking likes chips or just nothing at all. I'm an ex-smoker. I've been terrible with work out routines, recently had an opportunity having a buddy's mom who's a PT train me but after maybe a month my work schedule changed and it was no longer an option. Even then it was beginners Pilates and nothing stuck with me. I work in a low activty job, security guard. I sit on my ass for 8 hours a day in two shifts, with a 3.5 hour break between that's perfect for working out. I just need a solid routine and diet that I can follow.

yeah bub you know what you need to do first and foremost. set up a meal plan and pack your meals in your lunchbox for the day.

do you know how to calculate your BMR and track macros?
I'm 22, 6' 310 lbs. I'm a fatty. Sexy love handles and all. More than likely I'm in the wrong place for this help. I've tried and tried again to get in shape. Failed for one reason or another, I can lay some blame on things that weren't under my control, but excuses are still excuses. My main issue is definitely a lack of drive/confidence, and that could be applied to a hundred other aspects of my life. I'm always physically tired, high anxiety and depression, and the likes. So my questions are how do I get started losing so I can start gaining? Is there anything I could take or inject to give me a mood boost and/or help burn fat off? I want to be able to look at my body in the mirror and not think " gross." So if I am in the wrong place will you show me where to go?

Thanks for any help. Criticism is also welcome.

Good for you.. getting in here and looking to make a change. Don't worry about what other people think, and make the change cause you are doing for yourself and nobody else. I think its awesome when over weight people are in the gym looking to make a lifestyle change, and lose weight. I have allot of respect for them since I know it takes allot to even show up. Change is tough, but you'll get to your end result... especially here on AR.

Working out is def going to help with depression- and I would start to supplement vitamins, minerals. Fish Oil and vitamin d help with depression, especially if you aren't getting any from the sun.

Live your life one day at a time bro.. Don't focus on the future (the what if's), cause it will give you anxiety. And don't focus on the past (what you could have done), because that will make you depressed. Focus on giving the 'present' day 212 percent.. just for that day, and everyday for the next 90 days, and you will have formed a habit... and look like the image you have in your head. The only difference between you and the guy you wish you were is the amount of time spent perfecting your trade.

Get fanatical bro.. It's just mindset.
I'm 22, 6' 310 lbs. I'm a fatty. Sexy love handles and all. More than likely I'm in the wrong place for this help. I've tried and tried again to get in shape. Failed for one reason or another, I can lay some blame on things that weren't under my control, but excuses are still excuses. My main issue is definitely a lack of drive/confidence, and that could be applied to a hundred other aspects of my life. I'm always physically tired, high anxiety and depression, and the likes. So my questions are how do I get started losing so I can start gaining? Is there anything I could take or inject to give me a mood boost and/or help burn fat off? I want to be able to look at my body in the mirror and not think " gross." So if I am in the wrong place will you show me where to go?

Thanks for any help. Criticism is also welcome.

Welcome to the family bro
Welcome to the family brother man, all that time you got you could go home and cook. Or cook on your days off and plan your snacks and meals healthy for work, not sure if you can take a walk during your shift but just get up and move. You can do it brother there is no magic except that beating thing inside your chest, when your heart believes you can, you will. When you are sick and tired of being sick and tired you will change for you!!!!! You need to hit the cardio even if its 10 minutes starting out. then increase every week or so. I would say a SARMs stack would be a good jump start too!!! I started at 240 lbs and down to about 210 over the last 4 months with SARMs but i still had to go to the gym and clean my diet up. Just COMMIT to YOU
I'm 22, 6' 310 lbs. I'm a fatty. Sexy love handles and all. More than likely I'm in the wrong place for this help. I've tried and tried again to get in shape. Failed for one reason or another, I can lay some blame on things that weren't under my control, but excuses are still excuses. My main issue is definitely a lack of drive/confidence, and that could be applied to a hundred other aspects of my life. I'm always physically tired, high anxiety and depression, and the likes. So my questions are how do I get started losing so I can start gaining? Is there anything I could take or inject to give me a mood boost and/or help burn fat off? I want to be able to look at my body in the mirror and not think " gross." So if I am in the wrong place will you show me where to go?

Thanks for any help. Criticism is also welcome.
Welcome to AR, bro. Your story is one that I know all too well. When I was 23 I was 350 pounds of pure fat, I was disgusting. I would eat everything I could get my hands on, with no regard to my health. I also drank like a fish, at minimum, a 12 pack a day. I love all the encouragement that you've gotten here, that's what we do here. However, I'm going to be a bit more blunt and the reason for that is because I've been exactly in your shoes and I know EXACTLY what it takes. First and foremost, all your problems are because of your weight, everyone of them. Get rid of the weight and get rid of the problems. Laziness breeds laziness and what I mean by that is, the lazier you allow yourself to be the lazier you'll get. There is one and ONLY ONE way to stop that. You just have to fucking DO IT. It sucks ass, I won't lie. It's not fun, it's not exciting but it BECOMES fun and exciting. Once you see the weight starting to come off it becomes a game changer. I won't beat around the bush, we can throw multiple inspirational quotes at you all day long and it's meaningless. The only way for you to make a change is you first have to want it so bad from within yourself that when you think about it, it makes you cry. Look at yourself and call yourself a fat bitch, get mad at yourself, and hate your current self. These are the motivating factors that will force you to change your life. Don't take what I'm saying the wrong way, once again I've literally been 110% in your shoes and it's the only way to get it done. It can happen and it WILL happen but only if it's 1000% what you want. If it's 1000% what you want, you won't make excuses, you won't have time for excuses, and you sure as hell won't let laziness and a lack of motivation get in your way. As a matter of fact, if you want it badly enough that it makes you cry, NOTHING and I mean NOTHING will stand in your way. It all starts with you and it all finishes with you. There is NOTHING you can inject or take to get this brother. The only way to get this is with diet and 110% dedication and hard work. You must go to the gym when your tired, you must FORCE yourself to do EVERYTHING you don't want to do. You must get uncomfortable, you must sweat, you must get mad, you must truly hate your fat in the worst way possible. At 22 the fat will peel off of you and you must do it now before you get older and it becomes almost impossible, due to slowed metabolism, a career, and a family. Next you must really consider your overall health and where you're going to be at in 5 years. I can tell you, if you don't make this change RIGHT NOW, the place you'll be will not be pretty. Your health will start to fail, you'll start having to have Dr trips, and all those problems you described will be 100 times worse in just 5 years. When I was your age I didn't think I would ever be married and have kids, I didn't want it. Now I'm 30 with a wife and a son that I love more than anything on this earth. Think about your future family, whether you want that now or not, think about the possibility that you might want that in the future and get yourself healthy for them. ANYTHING you need on this journey, any diet advice, training advice, or just someone to talk to that's been in your shoes, do not hesitate to message me. I'm here to help you succeed as best as I can. Good luck brother, if I can do it ANYONE can. Just to give you a little motivation this was/is me.


Welcome to the AR family bro. As NY said, no judgment here. Stick around and read some posts. Ask your questions. And start your journey small steps at a time. My first recommendation is water. PLENTY of water throughout the day. I have only had a sip of my fiancés soda here and there for over 3 years. It seriously takes probably 6 months to add up to a whole soda. That's a biggie. Increase that water. Need flavoring? Try the crystal lite packets.

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Welcome to AR and you are not it the wrong place. We are all about helping each other. Just make sure you keep coming back and that you're honest with yourself. You can do whatever you want, but it's up to you in the end. Your age is a benefit you have going for you, so take advantage and take back control. We're happy to have you here!!
Thanks for the support, never been welcomed like this before. No one around me has the mindset you guys give off and I need to be in that kind of environment.

I'm not sure on how to calculate BMR and I've heard of macros but don't have any concept of them. Since I'm at work and have nothing to do this sound like a good time to learn.
Welcome brother!! You are in the right place and already getting great advice. Just take small steps... Start with little things like cutting out the soda and fast food. There is no quick fix. Create healthy habits for yourself. Doing something consistently for 21 days creates a habit. If you stick to it you will see and feel results. Progress not perfection right now. You can do this if you really want it. Its all about self will and drive and determination right now. Keep us posted, Ask questions, and know your in the right place!!!

Thanks for the support, never been welcomed like this before. No one around me has the mindset you guys give off and I need to be in that kind of environment.

I'm not sure on how to calculate BMR and I've heard of macros but don't have any concept of them. Since I'm at work and have nothing to do this sound like a good time to learn.

Welcome buddy. Good to have you. Youre in one of the best places for this type of thing. Now you just need to

focus on progression...

Nobody will be sucessfull if they rush in balls to the wall and burn out. Its a marathon not a sprint. Takes time and slow progression. As long as you can always say my Today was better than my Yesterday, you are on the right track.

For your BMR start off over at Start there get an idea. Calculations are never precise or truly accurate but its a start and you can modify from there. You need to pay attention to what you eat and learn what food does to you're body.

Look.... Do you want this? If yo do you will do it. If you don't it will be reflected in you're progress. I not saying this is easy but you get one life with no rewind and no reset. what are you going to do with it?
I'm 22, 6' 310 lbs. I'm a fatty. Sexy love handles and all. More than likely I'm in the wrong place for this help. I've tried and tried again to get in shape. Failed for one reason or another, I can lay some blame on things that weren't under my control, but excuses are still excuses. My main issue is definitely a lack of drive/confidence, and that could be applied to a hundred other aspects of my life. I'm always physically tired, high anxiety and depression, and the likes. So my questions are how do I get started losing so I can start gaining? Is there anything I could take or inject to give me a mood boost and/or help burn fat off? I want to be able to look at my body in the mirror and not think " gross." So if I am in the wrong place will you show me where to go?

Thanks for any help. Criticism is also welcome.

welcome to adrenaline rush brother... great to have you here!! listen, you are FAR from the wrong place... you could not have picked a better place to be... you are in the brst hands you could possibly be in for helping you not only achieve but FAR surpass your goals.. everyone here will be there for you and help you to take it to the next level... im always here to help in any way i can... don't hesitate to let me know.. get ready to change your life!
I'm 22, 6' 310 lbs. I'm a fatty. Sexy love handles and all. More than likely I'm in the wrong place for this help. I've tried and tried again to get in shape. Failed for one reason or another, I can lay some blame on things that weren't under my control, but excuses are still excuses. My main issue is definitely a lack of drive/confidence, and that could be applied to a hundred other aspects of my life. I'm always physically tired, high anxiety and depression, and the likes. So my questions are how do I get started losing so I can start gaining? Is there anything I could take or inject to give me a mood boost and/or help burn fat off? I want to be able to look at my body in the mirror and not think " gross." So if I am in the wrong place will you show me where to go?

Thanks for any help. Criticism is also welcome.

Hey brother, welcome to AR. You are most defnitely in the right place. Everybody here looks out for and helps one another. We can certainly help you get on track towards your goals buddy.

Steroids are not the answer right now for anything, but there are alternative enhancements you can benefit from to help get you where you want to be with sarms. However, before that lets get your diet and training where it needs to be
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