This will be my second or third post on this forum I'd say and first I would just like to say that this forum/community was always beyond helpful and supportive not only of my situation (which I will get to
but, just noticing on other peoples' posts as well you guys here at ISARMS are all about safety 100% which is such a crucial part in keeping us being consenting adults using these substances are ultimately doing it the safest and still as effective as possible but like I said always putting personal safety/health first which should be standard on all bodybuilding forums so I just wanted to start off thanking you guys for that. Anyways, my endo. started me on TRT for hypogonadism about roughly a month ago. A few things yall should know about my current situation, I am 18 years old, I have gotten about 4 different blood tests/testosterone pannels done by my endocrinologist, and my results for each of those times we did the test were (ng/dl) 232, 20, 323, and 13. I cannot quite remember if it was free or total testosterone levels. Being that my levels were so dramatically low he also ordered the full FSH, LH, estradiol levels be checked along with my test. levels be checked. All my fsh, lh, estradiol, etc was perfectly normal. Lastly, he wanted to make sure i didn't have a mass on my pituitary that was causing such low levels in an 18 y/o male. After he took some time and discussed it over with both me and other endocrinologists/certified testosterone centers I decided to go on the TRT route as the debilitating side effects of having such low test. were very apparent in my day to day life. Extremely low energy/fatigue/work ethic/laziness often, slightly depressed mood/slightly heightened anxiety levels, higher than normal body fat % for my sie (6'2" 215lbs probably 15-20% BF), man boobs (gyno.) definitely showing and a decreased libido. Oddly enough the only side effect I did not experience was difficulty getting errections i could always get it up when it needed to be! Anyways, the endo. decided on 120mg test. (idk if cypionate/enanthanate/etc.) along with 500mg hCG injections once a week. Last thursday (Halloween) was my 4th injection I believe and I haven't started to feel any difference too too much yet but maybe a slight increase in energy but as the doc said all the benefits will come (for some they won't hopefully not me
) it just takes different amounts of time for different people. He's going to test my testosterone level monthly and after doing many hours of research reading up on/watching dylan's videos/and me being an actual certified pharmacy technician I decided to try some turinabol along with the test. and hCG to give me a little boost especially in the gym. I received 100 10mg tabs of pharmaceutical turinabol and while i was at it I rolled the dice a little bit and got 100 50mg anadrol tabs as well (basically if the turinabol isnt enough or i should stack all 3 which i am assuming yall will not suggest) Anyways my question is, I am trying to mainly gain muscle but also lose a little bit of the fat off me as well (i know anadrol is more of a bulking anabolic) but with my dosage of test/hcg what doseage of turinabol would yall reccomend daily? Also, what doseage of anadrol daily if I were to stack it with just the test? And lastly only if i were to, stack test./anadrol/and turinabol what doses of each and how often would i do of each. I lift weights 3-4 days a week, and i am currently working on a primarily ketogenic diet to trim some of that fat off. What should i expect from each of these cycles individually, and if i should add any more compounds or SARMS/SERMS to the mix. I must add that I will be doing PCT (expecting to do a 4-6 week cycle with the turinabol or anadrol is that enough or too much?) so would a 6 week long pct consisting of arimidex/clomid/hcg, be sufficient? I know how harsh anadrol can be thats why i am going to tread lightly but please answer any questions yall can and please any advice is more than appreciated. I already have all of the compounds listed above and am continuing my TRT with my endo weekly. Hope t hear back soon from you guys, thanks so much. Nate.