Hi Dylan,
Really appreciate your videos and content. I have huge respect and admiration for what you do.
I think my questions would be helpful in the forums. However, after multiple attempts to register and being identified as a "potential spammer", I admit defeat. So I am asking you directly. If you agree that my questions would be helpful in the forums, or even on your YouTube channel, I hope to see it there.
I want to point out that there is a very large demographic of men that do seek an anabolic edge but that object to injectables (needles) and the rapid very noticeable gains associated. I think my goal below would apply to millions of lifters.
My GOAL: is to increase lean muscle and strength faster than what I could naturally, WITH minimal if any undesirable side effects, BUT at a pace that is not so obvious to others, AND while avoiding injectables.
That's a tall order and maybe not possible or reasonable. I would like your opinion.
I think I have come within 10 lbs of my natural maximum lean body mass. I think I need an edge to reach my full natural max lean mass. My core lifts focus on heavy bench, military press, squats, dead lifts, and some Olympic lifting.
I have already seen videos and read about oral only cycles and know well the objections. But I saw one of your videos on TBOL and you seemed to favor it.
I would like your opinion on oral only 4-6 week anabolic cycles that are effective beyond what one could achieve naturally. Perhaps my goal above could be better reached a different way. If so, I would like to know it. What are the other options?
I was considering stacking DHEA or another potent oral anabolic (like TBOL with liver protecting supplements) with Clomid. DHEA by itself has given me noticeable strength and size gains at the 50mg/day dose over 4 week period. The gains were significant but not so much that it would appear to others that I was on steroids. Also, the side affects were minimal.
Is there an optimal stack that would achieve my goal above that is oral supplement based in combination with other symptom/side effect reducing supplements. Or is my goal not reasonable.
Really appreciate your videos and content. I have huge respect and admiration for what you do.
I think my questions would be helpful in the forums. However, after multiple attempts to register and being identified as a "potential spammer", I admit defeat. So I am asking you directly. If you agree that my questions would be helpful in the forums, or even on your YouTube channel, I hope to see it there.
I want to point out that there is a very large demographic of men that do seek an anabolic edge but that object to injectables (needles) and the rapid very noticeable gains associated. I think my goal below would apply to millions of lifters.
My GOAL: is to increase lean muscle and strength faster than what I could naturally, WITH minimal if any undesirable side effects, BUT at a pace that is not so obvious to others, AND while avoiding injectables.
That's a tall order and maybe not possible or reasonable. I would like your opinion.
I think I have come within 10 lbs of my natural maximum lean body mass. I think I need an edge to reach my full natural max lean mass. My core lifts focus on heavy bench, military press, squats, dead lifts, and some Olympic lifting.
I have already seen videos and read about oral only cycles and know well the objections. But I saw one of your videos on TBOL and you seemed to favor it.
I would like your opinion on oral only 4-6 week anabolic cycles that are effective beyond what one could achieve naturally. Perhaps my goal above could be better reached a different way. If so, I would like to know it. What are the other options?
I was considering stacking DHEA or another potent oral anabolic (like TBOL with liver protecting supplements) with Clomid. DHEA by itself has given me noticeable strength and size gains at the 50mg/day dose over 4 week period. The gains were significant but not so much that it would appear to others that I was on steroids. Also, the side affects were minimal.
Is there an optimal stack that would achieve my goal above that is oral supplement based in combination with other symptom/side effect reducing supplements. Or is my goal not reasonable.